By: Revanche

Prep to Move Out: Part II

April 23, 2008

Closet, Part Deux

The lower shelves of the closet were my next job. This is populated by my jewelry boxes, and hatboxes with smaller clothing items and undergarments. I love the use of hatboxes for undergarments, by the way. They’ll be easily portable, and the boxes are attractive. I don’t have an abundance of any clothing in these categories, so I just sorted through to make sure nothing needed washing, and refolded or rolled each piece so it was neatly organized.

The jewelry box was a huge mess. As I sorted, I realized that I was slowly forgetting the stories of some of the necklaces. I like knowing where each and every piece was acquired, or who it was a gift from, so I know I’ve got too much when I can’t recall where a particular sparkly came from. This reinforces my conviction that I was right to ask BoyDucky to stop giving me jewelry. The necklace and earrings he gave me will always have a special place in my heart, and they won’t get crowded out by others.

There were some junk pieces I’d hoarded since junior high: stud earrings missing backings, earrings missing mates, etc. Those all went out. The rest were reorganized by category: precious metals, precious stones (uh, the one pair of earrings), sparkly but not actual gemstones, and just sparkly or casual pieces.

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