By: Revanche

Hello, hello!

May 2, 2008

Feedburner revealed that I do not, in fact, only have five or six readers, I have a few more than that! Your secret is out, friends, you are there! And that makes me (even more) curious than I usually am about who might be reading this blog, and why I haven’t heard from many (?) of you. Even though I’ve been working at this blog for nearly two years now, I’m still excited about comments, and would like to know more about you.

If you’re lurking, please de-lurk and join the conversation!

Tell me, who are you, where are you from, why do you read this blog? What do you like about it? What would you like to see more of? What topics would engage you in conversation?

And a question that’s been on my mind: If you could give someone a windfall, funded entirely by yet another generous soul, who would you give it to? How much, and why? Would there be restrictions on the money or would it be a no-strings attached gift? Again, why?

8 Responses to “Hello, hello!”

  1. Orange says:

    Hey there:) I just wanted to stop by and say thank you for the birthday comment:)

    All my best wishes


  2. Orange says:

    forgot to tag you with some link love:

    check out my today’s post:)

  3. Hedy says:

    Tell me, who are you, where are you from, why do you read this blog? I’m Hedy from MA. I like your blog because you’re a very *real* pf blogger.

  4. Sense says:

    Not de-lurking, I’m long past that…I’m Sense (duh) from VA, currently living (in sin) in CA.

    I read your blog ’cause I am impressed at everything you handle with your family, can relate (somewhat), and I enjoy your humor and writing stylee. I think we handle money in somewhat the same manner, also.

    If I could give a monetary gift to anyone, I’d obviously give it to my mom/dad/sister. I’d pay off their house and all debts, and give them enough to NEVER have to worry about money again (15-20 million, maybe??). There would be certain conditions, like my dad would have to quit smoking and get a personal trainer, nutritionist, and cook so it was easier for him to take steps to help ease his pain and prolong his life. My mom would have to stop worrying (yeah right) and start living her life again…she pretty much quit when my dad and sister got sick. So she could quit her job, write a novel, volunteer, and travel as much as her heart desires… My sister would just get the best psychiatric care available to help her figure out her life.

    That’s also what I’d do if I won the lottery (besides have a big party).

  5. I would give it to….. a student who worked very hard but came from a poorer family. I dunno how I’d find someone like that, but I’d put the money to clear their entire tuition, room + board to reward them…

  6. Ok, maybe Feedburner was just misleading me, but I’m glad to hear from Orange and Hedy who I rarely, if ever, hear from.

    ~sense~ I definitely hear you on the mom’s anxiety thing … until our families are well, I don’t think our moms will be able to stop worrying.

    ~FB~ You could be the really cool secret philanthropist who collected information from trustworthy teachers. I mean, a lot of teachers, if they really care about their students, know who the hardworking kids from a resource-poor family are.

  7. Hi! I’m think I’ve commented before, but I can’t be sure. I like your blog since it’s about honest struggles with money. I was curious about how BoyDucky got those southwest vouchers?

    If I could give someone a windfall, funded entirely by someone else, it wouldn’t be someone I know. I’m an upper middle class twenty year old (upper our household combined income plus the financial gifts we get from family) and almost all of my friends are financially successful (to a certain degree). I would probably give the money to a trust (if this is allowed) to benefit the students of a poor high school. Benefit = educational related costs, like SAT classes, college application fees, college tuition (for students who qualify, etc.)

  8. ~calgirlfinance~ Hey there, you have commented once or twice before. Good to see you back on the blogging scene, btw!

    The SW vouchers were a windfall from his birthday. We took him to a football game, and SW was there doing promotional giveaways and he put his name in the bucket for two free tickets.

    I like this high school trust idea!

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