By: Revanche

I spy with my little eye …. a tomato?

June 24, 2008

Thanks to this doggy, who is blurred because he can NOT stay still, our tomato plants have been moved out in our front planter. I wouldn’t think that’d be the best place for them, but it seems like they’re thriving in the sunlight and non-doggy-thrashing zone.

At $2.49-$3/pound, I’m glad to have our own little patch of veggies. It took me a while to figure out which general vicinity to photograph, but I finally found it!

I still can’t spot our cucumbers, but Pa says they’re growing too, despite my visually-challenged skepticism.

3 Responses to “I spy with my little eye …. a tomato?”

  1. SavingDiva says:

    I wish I could grow a few veggies! šŸ™‚

  2. you have such a green thumb! im going to start growing myself basil and tomatoes – it’s getting too expensive to even buy basil – it’s $1.5 for a bunch at the store!!

  3. Revanche says:

    savingdiva: Perhaps after you move, you can pot a few veggies?

    sfordinarygirl: Most of the credit should go to my dad, actually, I’m the ideas person. šŸ™‚

    Basil has been about $3/bunch or box for a while for us! šŸ˜›

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