By: Revanche

Purging regrets

June 25, 2008

Whoops. I’d mentioned before that I have this weird cycle of either acquiring or divesting myself of stuff. Sometimes I’m ruthless, other times I’m sensible about the decisions to keep or not to keep, but most times I assume that if I hadn’t worn it up until that point, I won’t want to ever again.

Apparently, I’m wrong about that.

The weather has been insanely hot of late, hot enough that my usual uniform of jeans and a shirt was unbearable. Sorry, FB, it was the weather that forced me to finally follow my resolution to dress better for work, not a sense of fashion. Or shame. šŸ˜€

I’ve broken down and been wearing dresses and skirts to the office. This is quite the rarity, and while I have a lot of dresses, some of which date as far back as early high school, I don’t have that many office-appropriate dresses. I’ve been pairing tank tops (that are still cool and much more appropriate layered than alone), or 3/4 sleeve button downs with skirts to stretch the summer wardrobe. While contemplating what other spring and work appropriate items I could pull out from storage, I realized there was one dress that would work, from high school graduation: it was a nice, stretchy darker lilac material and ran a bit longer than knee-length. Not the maxi-dress, but not too casual, either. Unfortunately, I decided several months ago that I had too many dresses and I could well part with that one because I’d not worn it in years.

It’s rare that I regret clearing out the closet, and the one-in-one-out method, but I’ve really got to rethink my keep or toss strategy.

4 Responses to “Purging regrets”

  1. SavingDiva says:

    I think that I forget about clothes as soon as I toss them!

  2. Revanche says:

    savingdiva: I usually do too, because the weeding out urge is strong, but I guess some things weren’t meant to be tossed šŸ™‚

  3. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey no sweat.. I don’t wear dresses or skirts to work – in my environment with too many guys it tends to be distracting. šŸ˜›

    I’ve even done the no makeup thing in an effort to stop the attention

  4. Revanche says:

    FB: Hah, I remember how you said I was growing up when I said I was going to try to be more prof’ly dressed! šŸ™‚

    Not really worried about attention, I just like to be comfy. And I like to keep the bar low, so when we do have to dress up, I don’t have to try as hard. Hee!

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