By: Revanche

Summer Sunday, random musings

June 29, 2008

’tis noon. ‘Tis noonish, and there’s a very light cool breeze gently sneaking through the window every so often to keep my room nice and comfortable, but not enough to do more than jiggle the leaves on the plants in the courtyard.

It’s just about perfect out there. So what am I doing inside??

I just can’t decide what I want to do, and in what order.

I’ve made my grocery shopping list for this week’s lunches: whole wheat bread, some tuna, cheese, salad kit, half pound of sliced roast beef. When I worked out the math, the deli meat is cheaper than the packaged sort, even when it’s on sale. Go figure. I think this week’s lunch list (and breakfast) will run about $15.

iPhone has a new bag of tricks: it claims it has at least 3 bars of reception and drops every single call I make from home. Every. Single. Call. The other day, it just shut off in the middle of a call, and I couldn’t turn it back on. Twice. Visual VM wouldn’t work, half a day. *sigh* I DID get all my contacts entered into Yahoo, so I’ve got to go to the Genius Bar and beg them to give me another one. Or something. ‘Tis a frustration.

Must check on friend. Poor thing has panic attacks, and I spent an hour giving her a massage last night to try to ward another one off. I think it worked! Well, unless she had one after I left, but I think she was ok. My muscles feel like man muscles now, though. At least, what I imagine man muscles would feel like after exertion: all sore and worked out. I shouldn’t mind looking a bit more muscley, I could use some meat on my bones. We watched the track and field Olympic trials last night, and those girls had some very impressive muscles. They weren’t scary and gross like bodybuilders, they just looked terribly terribly fit, with very lovely, toned muscles. I like athletic bodies, they look so healthy! Oh, and if anyone has suggestions for warding off anxiety/panic attacks, your advice would be MOST appreciated. I don’t mind giving massages in the least, but even my fingers and arms get a bit worn out after a few of them. And I don’t actually know enough about it to be really helpful, my approach is just to distract her, make her laugh, or make her relax. That’s sort of a limited repertoire.

Laundry and ironing. Um, I just don’t want to iron. That’s all, just don’t want to. Cause I’m laaaazy.

And I’m awfully tired. It’s so odd, I woke up at 3:15 this morning, convinced that someone had bitten my shoulder. Uh …. noooooo ….. I was so confused, and then confusedly amused, that I couldn’t get back to sleep for about 30 minutes.

I think I’ll take my usual approach: Worst things first. I’ll go iron and start a load of laundry. Go to the Apple store later this evening, take friend along if she’s up for it so she can get out of the house for a short jaunt, and stop at the grocery on the way home.

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