By: Revanche

I save the weirdest things

July 16, 2008

I’m on check number 861. That’ll be the rent check, looks like. I had to refresh my checks today, and realized that I still have my very first check register from my very first checking account opened three days after my 18th birthday back in 2000. I’m almost positive that I only waited three days because my birthday was on a Friday and I couldn’t go to the bank until Monday. I was THAT excited to open my very own checking (and savings) accounts.

First transaction: Deposit, $200

First finance-related post it note to self: NO MORE PERSONAL SPENDING! (Even back then ….)

First purchase: Checks, $11.50 (These must have been the bank checks you get when you don’t know better, because on the last page of this register, one year later, I bought checks for $16.50. I’m still using checks from that purchase, 7.5 years later.)

Flipping through that register, I sure did keep meticulous records. They’re even highlighted in some color coding scheme that, I’m sure, meant something very particular back in the day. Have no clue what it means now. I also wrote a whole lot of checks for bills that weren’t my own. Hm.

This is probably going to stay on the protected list when I go through and discard all my old paperwork.

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