By: Revanche

Macy’s WebBuster Sales

July 11, 2008

Macy’s has been emailing about sales and clearances constantly, and I finally got curious and clicked. I realized that my first instinct is to be drawn towards things that are comfortable and functional, which does not frequently mesh with my need for more professional clothing. For example:

They also come in a plaid (pink or blue):

They look comfortable and they’re not tennis shoes, which are my favorite shoes to wear but have been sworn off for work ….

Uh, I’m totally talking myself into getting them. See, here’s the thing. I have one pair of leather flats that I’ve been wearing to pieces. Literally. They’re getting really shabby, but they’re the only pair of closed toe flats that I have. But, I really think these are only ok to wear with jeans, they’re not going to be paired with any other trousers.

Does anyone have better pairing ideas? They’re $19.99, and I have a Macy’s GC so it’s not out of budget. If not, I should probably skip them and wait for a pair of flats that can be paired with jeans and trousers.

3 Responses to “Macy’s WebBuster Sales”

  1. Totally adorable. I want them.

    yeah, I’d say only jeans, but I’m not a style guru.

    Isn’t pf blogging supposed to encourage us to save money?? There is some sort of sickness going around I think. (Or just amazing sales everywhere.)

  2. Karen says:

    Jeans only.
    You could try They have free shipping both ways.
    I can’t help much. I hate shoes.

  3. Revanche says:

    stackingpennies: I know, there IS something spendy going around! It’s frustrating, really. At least this would have been paid by GC, and not cash like some other things. (Martin+Osa!)

    karen: So that’s three votes for jeans. I think I should pass. I don’t hate shoes, but I hate having too many *things* and I feel like I have too many pairs of shoes.

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