By: Revanche

Off to see the Wizard ….

July 23, 2008

Well, not really. But I’m going to give my bags a last looky-loo, and then toss them in the car, fill up and get going!!


We have free wi-fi throughout the convention center this year, but unless I email my posts, I probably won’t be doing much blogging between now and next week because the laptop is just too heavy to carry. Oh, and I’m on va-ca-tion!! I’ve got a few posts scheduled, though.

I’ve got my $150 in Shell gas cards in my wallet, my $200 in cash (my entire budget for the trip), and a short list of people I’m going to spend that cash on. After that? It’s all food, parking and me!!

So very excited. This is going to be awesome. Have a great week everyone!

3 Responses to “Off to see the Wizard ….”

  1. I’m sooo jealous that you’re going to Comic Con!!

    I’ve wanted to go for the past few years for the Battlestar Galactica panel. I’ll live vicariously through you this time, haha. Enjoy!

  2. Sense says:

    have fun!!!

    I just recently started watching old episodes of BSG…it’s good!

    Comic-con always sounded fun to go to. i lived in SD for the past 3 years of comic con and never went…

  3. Revanche says:

    Bacon: I wish I’d made it to the BSG panel, I’m sure it was fantastic. Hall H was insane, though, so perhaps next year.

    Sense: Thanks! I wish you had gone in previous years, this year’s was really quite packed.

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