By: Revanche

The trip is on, Oregon, here I come!

July 10, 2008

BF pulled it off: he found a round trip itinerary for which we could redeem his free ticket voucher, so I’m going to Oregon to see my cousin in August!

It’ll be a long weekend for me, but unfortunately something came up at work and she has to go in, after all. Boooo. Perhaps I can bring her lunch at work. šŸ™‚

We’ll probably go out on the town one night, and I hope we’ll go hiking on Saturday. Because I’m flying United, I’m already trying to mentally maximize my carry-on luggage and minimize the amount of stuff I’ll have to bring.

I’ll be staying at her house, and she has more toiletries and make-up than I’d know what to do with, so I don’t have to waste room on those things. Just the basics, really, two pairs of jeans and three tops. Appropriate shoes.

So excited!!

4 Responses to “The trip is on, Oregon, here I come!”

  1. Sense says:

    Yes–avoid those baggage fees if at all possible…they suck!! US airways and united are the worst ones.

  2. Revanche says:

    Sense: And I hear that Northwestern has joined the baggage fee club as well. I’m finally going to be one of those obnoxious travelers bringing oversized carry-ons. Actually, we all will be!

  3. Karen says:

    If I had a blog, I could post this on it but I don’t. So, here’s some info that might be of interest to you. šŸ™‚’s rewards program

  4. Revanche says:

    karen: thanks! This deserves a bit more attention!

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