By: Revanche

Awesome imaginings

August 25, 2008

For about five minutes, I imagined several things that would totally rock:

1. Seeing a zero balance on the dratted truck payment. Yes, it’s still around. Yes, it’s a terrible time to be selling a truck. I think my best bet at this point is to continue trying to sell it, but if I can’t, I’ll just have a paid-off truck with really low gas mileage for sale about a year or two from now. If the gas prices cooperate at all, that is. In the meantime, just getting it off the monthly expenses? Awesome.
2. If the ticket voucher from United had NOT been restricted to the 48 contiguous. I’d take that month of vacation, ideally half the time and the other half in money, and spend two weeks in Hawaii. I’d use hotel points for as much of that time as possible, of course, and we have family friends (and I think I have family there too) that I could possibly spend some time with. Whatever. Two weeks in Hawaii coasting on vacation time. That’d be awesome.
3. (utterly burning my bridges) Walking out. Uh, yes I know, totally not classy. But if I could say what I wanted to say? Do what I wanted to do with no regrets and no repercussions? Ahhh …. sweet. That’d be awesome.
4. Landing a dream gig, preferably on this coast, but I’ll take the East Coast as well. That’d be awesome.
What would your five minutes of That’s Awesome! dreaming look like?

2 Responses to “Awesome imaginings”

  1. Matt says:

    Taking a nap on the deck of my cottage by the lake… opening my eyes taking in the scenery. The pine trees gently swaying in the breeze and then realizing that I own it and have nothing to pay to anyone.

    A bit more down to earth – seeing my credit card balances at 0

  2. Revanche says:

    matt: One first, then the other! A lakeside cottage sounds fan-tas-tic.

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