By: Revanche

Travel update: delays, delays

August 9, 2008

Friday night, an announcement: My departing flight was delayed last night for potentially two hours. This would make me miss my connecting flight so I could go home and try again in the morning or take this flight and rebook the connecting.

Decision: I didn’t want to repeat the airport dropoff dance in the morning so I waited out the delay and booked the first flight out the next morning. Lucky for me, BF was around so he could put me up for the night, and I would be halfway to my destination by morning instead of travelling all day Saturday. If he hadn’t been available, I would have been able to book a distressed passenger rate hotel room for the night for about $45. Not in the budget!

This morning, checking in for my flight, the first one of the morning, the check in kiosk asked if I’d volunteer to be bumped if necessary. I was curious so I hit “yes” and it automatically wait-listed me! Wait! Wait! I didn’t mean that! I was just *curious!!* ahhhh. I got to the gate late because the security line was insanely long and the gate agents were super happy to see me because I was officially a volunteer. Reluctant, I asked what they had in the way of flights. If I got there by noon, I was willing. If not? Nu-uh! It was hard enough to get one day off, I can’t be wasting all my time in the airport!

Then it turned out the by-noon flight I was promised didn’t have a seat and I could no longer get on my original flight because the smaller planes have 20 fewer seats than the first plane and ten people were still sadly standing in the corral with no seats. Better to choose my fate as best i can rather than hope to be squeezed in. I wonder if this system is really cost efficient for them? They had to give something between ten to twenty free flights, and here I am, flying on BF’s free travel voucher to begin with!

The next flight out is 11:05, so here I sit, waiting for my seat assignment with my free travel voucher tucked in my bag. *sigh* At least the free voucher means I can possibly come back another time and see her again.

Oooh! I think they gave me a first class seat. *spiffy*

2 Responses to “Travel update: delays, delays”

  1. mOOm says:

    Hope you got to Oregon with some time left to see your friend and some stuff! I was there in 2002 – first stop for a few days (after a breakfast stop in LA) when I returned to live in the US from 2002-7.

    But I’m confused. Thought BF lived in N. California and you in S. Cali?

  2. Revanche says:

    moom: I lost about … 14 hours on Saturday, unfortunately. Sorry, I was typing too fast to clarify. I had a stop in N.Ca, so ended up staying there for the night since there were no flights out to OR from there.

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