By: Revanche

August Snapshot

September 1, 2008

Retirement Savings

Rollover IRA: $1,452
Roth IRA: $3,779
401(a): $4,810
403(b): $16,045
Total: $26,086 (25,670)

Emergency Savings

Catastrophe: $18,547 (18,521)
Problem Cushion: $0

Short Term Goals

Car Maintenance: $953
Car Insurance: $604
Travel/Con: $406
Taxes: $3,474
Moving: $15
Total: $5,452 (5,582)

Long Term Goals

House Down Payment: $100

Investment Loans

Prosper-ish: $12,630
Personal Loan: $5,000
Savings Bond: $357 (current accrued value)
Total: $17,997

Total Assets

Non-Liquid: $26,086
Semi-Liquid: $17,997
Liquid: $18,547
Expense Acct: $1,693
Goals Savings: $5,452
Total: $69,775 (67,412)

Debt and Liabilities

Truck: $3,909
Citi: $429
Chase: $397
Rent: $1,360
Total: $6,095

Net Worth

$63,680 (61,095)

— Up 4% —

As usual, my retirement accounts are barely maintaining, and only thanks to continuous contributions, and the great 10% match from my employer.

The insurance company only paid for my deductible and hasn’t reimbursed me for the other $300+ part of the auto bill, so I need to follow up with them tomorrow, but the returned $1000 was a very welcome addition to the expense account.

I’m happy that I still have not had to dig into the emergency fund for any reason at all, and can’t wait to make more substantial contributions to the moving fund. I should be due for an extra dollop of income thanks to all the overtime I’ve been pulling, and happily, they’re actually paying the correct amount of overtime. It’s complicated.

4 Responses to “August Snapshot”

  1. 10% match!? That’s amazing!!!

    Your net worth looks so healthy šŸ™‚ I can’t wait to get there.

  2. There are many types of retirement accounts such as a pension, a 401k, 403b, and profit sharing. An individual retirement account is one of many. There are also many types of individual retirement accounts to choose from such as a traditional IRA, a Roth individual IRA and a SEP IRA. You can learn all about them at and secure your future.

  3. Matt says:

    Looks like you’re doing pretty well – my net worth hasn’t been going anywhere for a while now. Keep it up and before you know it you’ll be past the 100K line.

  4. Revanche says:

    FB: I know, I’m smitten with our match. It makes up for the zero match from 18 months ago! If I’d had this 10% since I started working and contributing … my portfolio would be SO FAT.

    matt: I’m glad that I’m not losing ground even if it feels like I’ve hit a plateau. It’s creeping ever so slowly in comparison to a couple years ago.

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