By: Revanche

Nooo, stay good Wamu! Don’t fail, stay good!

September 11, 2008

Every time I think of WAMU potential failing, I think of my checking account, my three year supply of animal checks, and inevitably, Kiki. She’s a Sluggy Freelance character, a ferret who’s terribly attached to her friend Sam, a vampire. She’s always exhorting, in any given situation, for him to “Stay Good, Sam!” It’s a completely unrelated webcomic, having only the slightest of relevance to anything, but it still amuses me.

For a much more mature analysis of the state of affairs, Flexo’s really the man.

On a personal note, I’ve had a checking account with WAMU since I turned 18, and have been using this batch of checks since 2001. That’s really the main reason I’ve kept this account: I don’t want to pay for any more checks while I still have at least a good 300 checks left. They do have decent customer service for my free accounts, so I usually keep a minimal amount of money in there and transfer money from the Citi account as necessary to round out the checks I write.

It’s not comforting that my two primary B&M banks aren’t exactly stable, but I do have an ING account from which I could open an Electric Orange checking account in a pinch. That shouldn’t take too long. There’s probably about $500 in the WAMU account right now, and I’ve considered transferring it all to my Citi account to avoid the inconvenience of dealing with FDIC insurance if it comes to that. Taking out my $500 wouldn’t make a difference in the whole scheme of things, I’m just small fry, but if everyone took out their money, creating a run on the bank, that’d be a shame. Hm…

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