By: Revanche

Buy Low? Oh, I’m most definitely doing that

October 29, 2008

Because we like self-torture around here, it’s much better than inflicted torture, the price points for a couple of my portfolio choices:

Target Retirement 2045
08/29/2008 $13.52
09/12/2008 $13.14
09/26/2008 $12.78
10/10/2008 $9.70
10/27/2008 $8.96

International Value Fund
08/29/2008 $35.08
09/12/2008 $33.13
09/26/2008 $32.66
10/10/2008 $23.78
10/27/2008 $20.64

And my asset mix is slowly adjusting to a higher percentage of bonds than stocks. We’re at a 25/75 allocation now. It’s a natural progression as my stocks drop half their value, and my tiny little Roth IRA valiantly stands up to the market’s battering.

2 Responses to “Buy Low? Oh, I’m most definitely doing that”

  1. This just strengthens my resolve to not check on this right now. Every time I do, it just stresses me out!

  2. Revanche says:

    paranoidasteroid: Didn’t mean to remind you, I was trying to focus on the bright side. At least my dollars are going further …. I’m ignoring the other part of the equation for right now.

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