By: Revanche

Erk, an unexpected October revelation

October 1, 2008

(‘though, how often are revelations expected?)

While flipping through my planner for the thousandth time this morning, something caught my eye. I had today marked as the first of three paydays. Which is great! After all, it’s an integral part of The Plan, and when is a three paycheck month ever bad? Exactly!

Except I was just paid last week. And since that clearly did happen, and we don’t get paid weekly, my planner must be wrong.

That means I’ve thwarted myself by incorrectly planning on three paydays in October instead of December. Drats.

This isn’t a disaster, it’s just a little disappointing that there won’t be a whole check I can throw at savings/expenses. I’ll work out the math a little later.

4 Responses to “Erk, an unexpected October revelation”

  1. ooh poor you! I hate when I make mistakes like that!

  2. Sense says:

    oh that sucks. but patience, patience…December will get here soon enough!

  3. FruGal says:

    Sense is right, December will be here before you know it. And don’t worry, I seem to do stuff like this a lot – at least I know I’m not alone now!

  4. Revanche says:

    frugal trenches: Thanks, I notice it doesn’t matter how good I get at this stuff, I’ll trip myself up with something silly every so often.

    sense: Yeah I know… it’s only two months away… And not done with Christmas shopping yet! Yipes!

    frugal: That’s actually the scary part: two blinks and December will be upon us. You are most definitely in good company! šŸ˜‰

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