By: Revanche

Let us eat cake

October 14, 2008

Wow. I was having a really bad morning plagued with doubts, insecurities and a desperate need not to be at work/around negative people so we decided that the solution to my problem was to eat the rest of my birthday cake. There was about a quarter of a round, three-layer cake left and so I dug in.

Someday, I thought, I’ll learn that eating sweets is not the answer. “Someday” might be today…. I’ve had too much cake. But at least my mind’s in a different place now. A really sugared-up, distracted sort of place, but a wholly different place.

4 Responses to “Let us eat cake”

  1. I’m feeling too queasy to eat cake šŸ™ But I want to, badly…

  2. Sense says:

    FB, feel better!

    and yes, i absolutely know the joys that injecting sugar into the bloodstream can give. Sometimes it hits me that my every mood/thought/reaction is controlled by hormones and other chemicals in my body…and it scares me!

  3. FruGal says:

    Sometimes a girl needs some cake! Enjoy! In fact I need some right now, but I’m trying to resist… šŸ™‚

  4. Revanche says:

    FB: Aw, sorry to hear you’re not feeling well! Hope today’s better!

    sense: Hm, there are times that occurs to me too. Remembering it makes me more conscious of my reactions, actually.

    frugal: šŸ™‚ It’s probably a good thing we don’t always have cake available when we’re craving it.

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