By: Revanche


October 28, 2008

Now this is satisfying! That’s a 1000+ page book placed for scale next to the full-to-bursting bag of paperwork I shredded in my first go-’round.

This is the second stack that I was working on this weekend:

And lest anyone mistakenly believe that I’m totally dedicated to this project, it’s 97% escapism. As long as I’m still being productive, I can justify not working on other, more important but much more depressing projects like thinking about my future. *tsk*

Then again, getting rid of that much junk so far is keeping the spirits up and inspiration on how to creatively re-locate stuff. That’s not bad, either.

3 Responses to “Progress!”

  1. Karen says:

    OMG! LOL Now, I know you’ve got many accounts…but how many years’ worth of paperwork is that? šŸ™‚
    Those pictures make me think about my predecessor. I’m throwing things away from 2000. I think the IRS has a 7 year limit.
    Good work though!

  2. LOL! Escapism.

    I had something similar. 2 full file cabinets…

  3. Revanche says:

    karen: Hehe, I think I might have enough to create one more stack about half that size. We’ll see. The furthest back these records go are 2004, I think. Most are partway through 2005 and on. I had gone through once back in 2004 and shredded a ton of records then, without the scanning.

    After the papers: bookshelves!

    FB: šŸ™‚ You know it.

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