By: Revanche


November 11, 2008

There are days I’m great at watching the food spending, like today, a can of tomato basil soup ($1) and a baked potato ($0.75) from grocery shopping.

Some days, a little less good: yesterday, bought a cheeseburger with extra veggies ($3).

Other days, I’m tempted to just throw caution aside and go for the gusto. Is it so reprehensible that the following announcement had me reaching for the phone and my credit card? (And we all know I only use credit cards because I want to, not because I have to, right?)

LA’s first Zagat Presents event takes place at Josie on December 2nd. For the night, chef Josie Le Balch’s eponymous restaurant will be all about pears. The four-course dinner will explore pears from Bosc to Bartlett showcased ripe in a pear salad, distilled as a sorbet intermezzo and roasted alongside a Maple Leaf Farm duck breast. And, of course, there will be a pear dessert. Plus, a pear cocktail will be paired with each course. If you’re interested, reserve quickly ($65 for four courses with cocktails; call 310-581-9888 and mention Zagat Presents).

I’m a sucker for all things pear. Mmm…. and duck? Plus pear? I’d try to deny being a gourmand, but that’s a lie. I love food. And I really love good food. It’s a bit of a battle, keeping the balance between budget and feast, though.

Image credit: Like a Local

2 Responses to “Epicur-esponsible?”

  1. Trevor says:

    That looks absolutely AMAZING! I’m just like you… I love food; in fact, I have a really hard time buying a $40 pair of shoes, but I can easily spend $40 on dinner!

    Go figure!

  2. Revanche says:

    trevor: Duck always looks good, though šŸ™‚

    It’s funny how much more a priority food is than things, isn’t it?

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