By: Revanche

Pre-year-end considerations

November 29, 2008

You wouldn’t know it to look out my window, but winter is fast approaching, as is the end of the calendar year. (As opposed to the fiscal year.)

A few things to consider before December 31st:

  • FSA allocations: I know my deadline for using and claiming the money is March 31st, 2009, but not if that was a universal change. Be sure to check your deadlines and balance. Have you used it up? Are you on track to, or do you have a ways to go? I still have a surprising $250 left in my account and am fresh out of painkillers so I’ll be picking up some Tylenol. Not $200 worth, but a couple large bottles should do it. A big part of the allocation was meant for my massage therapy, so it’s time to schedule a couple appointments there.
  • Charitable donations: If you haven’t already made your planned contributions, didn’t plan any and are able to give a little, please remember to do so! Charities have quite a difficult time
  • Tax related receipts/records: I hope that everyone’s got a sorting and tracking system they’re happy with because even I, with my new found love of Google Docs, find entering receipts a little onerous and tend to forget to do it routinely. Gather up ye receipts and organize them now so Q1 2009 doesn’t thoroughly stink!

Anything else?

Oh, also, check out Budgets are Sexy for a few more end of the year tax tips!

2 Responses to “Pre-year-end considerations”

  1. J. Money says:

    thx for the mention šŸ™‚ i love reading about other ideas out there, esp. w/ the way this economy is getting!

  2. Revanche says:

    J. Money: You’re welcome! I felt like the post was sort of unfinished ’til I happened across yours. šŸ™‚

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