By: Revanche

Should I or shun’t I?

November 28, 2008

Have been going back and forth with myself literally since I woke up this morning. That and reading are all I’ve had the energy to do.

Best Buy has this lovely laptop that’s just right, priced at $672 after tax and shipping.

I was prepared to spend about $400 if an unexpected deal came up, but almost $700?

Yes: it’s got all the specs I want, it’s a decent deal, I will need a laptop that functions off the leash at some point.
No: really don’t feel right spending that kind of money right now. (Disclaimer: I do always say that, and this could very well be the iPod-I-Never-Bought sort of deal. I lie to myself and say that I *will* buy that item, “just not right now.” I do this all the time about electronics.)

Have a feeling that I’ll make a decision by passively waiting out the clock and not actively deciding since I’ve stared at my balance sheets for a long time and can’t see an easy pot from which to “steal” the money. Spender’s remorse generally trumps non-buyer’s regret. Also, it still feels like a want and not a need.

Edit: Ok, I have a compromise. If the truck is squared away by tomorrow afternoon, thereby taking the loan off my balance sheets, and the deal is still available, I will be ok with buying it. If not, better luck on Monday!

3 Responses to “Should I or shun’t I?”

  1. I’ve been wanting a new laptop for a year, but mine still works fine…except that the battery always dies and the charger doesn’t charge properly. It is 4 years old and if it can last me another 6 months-year, then cool!

    Maybe you can ask BF to pay half for the laptop as your Christmas gift? Or ask your brother to get you one and consider the money he owes you as paid off…but I doubt he’ll cooperate.

  2. I’d wait until you feel comfortable purchasing it….

  3. Revanche says:

    losangelesdaze: Mine is just a shade older, and has the same problem. I should stick to my original resolution of keeping it until it dies a natural death instead of retiring it.

    I couldn’t ask BF to pay for it … I was actually considering getting HIM one for Xmas, or going in on one with his sibs! šŸ™‚

    Annnnd stick around long enough and you’ll find that my brother’s not good for much but he’s not getting off that lightly for the thousands he owes me. Early or late, he’s paying that back.

    FB: Good call, lady. šŸ™‚

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