By: Revanche

Interview: Karen, a reader

December 1, 2008

I had the pleasure of running an impromptu interview with Karen. It was really a conversation via email, and quite fun getting to know one of my frequent reader/commenters.

Tell me (us) about yourself

I’m a single (divorced) woman and 30 something living in FL. I have a BS degree and I have a lot in student loans for that BS lol. My current position is logistics (but not what my degree is in) and I’m in management i.e. I supervise people. I own a home in another state (due to relocation). I’ve lived in 8 states. I don’t watch TV (I have cable for the ‘net). It doesn’t even occur to me to turn it on. I used to watch the club channel (music videos) at the gym and there are 2 TV at work and I end up getting sucked in, mesmerized by stupid commercials and Springer or the Court shows (depends on which employee is working lol).

I love that you don’t turn on the tv, because I don’t either. (Don’t laugh, it’s really because I can’t work the dang thing. It’s too high-tech for me.) You mention that you own a home in another state due to relocation, does that heavily impact your finances and the choices you’re able to make regarding your career or your daily life?

The house actually has little impact on me right now. It’s rented out, my mortgage payment lowered due to my ARM adjusting. If I didn’t have a property management company managing it, I’d be making a small profit. I currently “lose” less $50/mo on it. It’s my first year so I don’t know the tax implications (none as far as I can tell). Also, I can just manage if it wasn’t rented.
It doesn’t affect my career since I hated living where I was and I have absolutely no plans to leave where I am now (ok, maybe to HI or abroad!).
Although having a mortgage and no available house is a good way to keep me in check from trying to buy one right now. My rent is actually more than my mortgage but right now I am enjoying not being responsible for any maintenance.

I think you’re the first person I’ve met who has had their mortgage lowered when their ARM adjusted. That’s pretty awesome. You’ve mentioned before that you’re always a reader, never a blogger. What kinds of blogs do you follow and what are your favorites? What is it that you look for in a blog: appeal, entertainment, education?

Yeah my rate is now 4.75. I think my first house had an ARM and it adjusted up and that’s part of why I had to file bankruptcy (the main reason was I couldn’t sell it without my husband’s signature and he had “disappeared” after I sent preliminary divorce papers. And no, haven’t seen/heard from/of him since). That was a fun day in the lawyer’s office: 23 or 24 getting a divorce and filing for bankruptcy. Men are nothing but trouble! Kidding. Mostly. šŸ™‚ The one good thing about buying the first house (which was his idea. The “throwing away money by renting” thing eye roll) is that we used his VA loan eligibility and not mine so I could use mine on the house I bought for me. The VA guarantees loans for eligible veterans so not required to have a down payment.

I don’t blog because I have a short attention span and it takes me too much effort to sit down and write something worth reading. And I don’t have much worth writing about at the moment!
The first pfblog I ever read was mymoneyblog. I read for entertainment more than education. I read yours (I know; you’re shocked), Single Ma/Fabulous Financials, Fab. Broke, Give Me Back My Five Bucks, Escape Brooklyn, Mapgirl, The Hustle of Sistah Ant, Sense to Dollars and random links from everyone. I mostly know what I should do, I just don’t. Or at least not to the best use of my resources. Unfortunately, I am too excited to be back in Florida and I want to enjoy it some after my time in KY. It’s mostly eating out plus a lot of travel recently (kennels are expensive here!).
I don’t really follow any other types of blogs with the exception of some friends’ livejournals. (I am not a myspace or facebook person).

I hear you about men being trouble, I’ve known a few of those in my time. šŸ˜‰ Now: Lightning round! What’s your favorite food(s)?

Favorite foods: gyoza. And Sapporo Ichiban ramen, dolmades (stuffed grape leaves), sticky rice Dr Pepper (I know that’s a drink but it is a favorite!)

Are you a dog, cat, or furry plus four legs person?

I prefer dogs but I like most animals.

I already know you’re not a shoe gal, what do you love shopping for or owning?

Heh I don’t like shopping really. I know that’s boring! I prefer to spend my money on food/drinks and travel.

If you could do anything in the world you wanted for a week, what would that week consist of?

I would spend the week in Japan (also is a dream. Almost went this year but had a flaky friend). I want to see Kyoto and a sumo match, Japanese theater, hike Mt Fuji, visit Hiroshima, Tokyo. Maybe if clothes there fit me I’d like shopping! Maybe buying shoes would be easier!

Is there a dream you’re still wishing for, or that you’d like to see come true in your lifetime?

I would also like to have a job that I really like/enjoy (mine’s tolerable) and who knows with the economy? Tonight we got word of how it’s really affecting us. I’ve seen some numbers internally and in the news but tonight it was really brought home.

Mmmm, I looove gyoza and travel … and I think MyMoneyBlog was my entry blog as well! šŸ™‚ Thanks so much for having our chat, Karen, ’twas great fun!

6 Responses to “Interview: Karen, a reader”

  1. I love impromptu interviews! What a great read.. esp that it’s inspiring

    Then I get to the part where she cites my blog as being one of the PF blogs she reads, and I felt a warm fuzzy glow. Thanks Karen! šŸ™‚ And Revanche for posting this fab interview

  2. that was a fun interview with a reader.

    Karen – I work indirectly with logistics but do know exactly what you’re talking about – my fascination with logistics is with ocean shipping – Panama Canal.

    Thanks for doing something different on your blog!

  3. Sense says:

    this is fabulous, thanks for posting this, R!

    Hi Karen! it’s nice to ‘meet’ you!

  4. Karen says:

    Thanks, Revanche. I enjoyed it, too!

    FB You’re welcome! Hope the warm fuzzy glow helped in the bitter Canadian winter! šŸ˜‰
    sfordinarygirl I do read your blog, too (Rice advice). When I have vacation time again, I plan on spending a couple of days in Panama to see the Canal and bit of the city.
    Sense Hi!
    Moneymonk Thanks!

  5. Revanche says:

    Everyone: I’m glad y’all enjoyed the interview, it was about time I did something a little different here, hm? šŸ™‚

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