By: Revanche

Stuff and Nonsense

December 10, 2008

I’m making a little checklist of things I want to get with my gift card for Bed, Bath and Beyond left from last year that wasn’t used on wedding presents. I didn’t want more stuff during a time of decluttering, but they’re kind of important.

Perhaps a field trip with a fistful of coupons will be my reward when I finish best three of six ongoing projects:

1. Photo organization
2. Submit 5 applications
3. Send out christmas cards with photos from #1.
4. Decluttering under my bed or desk.
5. Exercise!
6. Christmas presents: wrapping (1) or getting (2).

You might notice that I left out a whole bunch of more difficult things to accomplish off that list like dealing with family, finances, or even goal setting for next year. 🙂

Things I need:

1. 2 bath towels; soft and fluffy.
2. Water bottle. Or thermos? Have wanted a nice one since year picked it up because I still cannot decide which is the more economical AND sensible choice. Either way, I keep using the same old plastic water bottles, recycling them after a while and they pile up in between. Prefer to have just one bottle around.

Actually, I can’t remember what else I wanted anymore. I do remember discussing getting a really nice professional flat iron through a friend of a friend for 50% off for myself. Maybe I should get two and give the other to my girlfriend. Huh… that could be a nice gift for a couple gals, actually. Girls, would you appreciate a flat iron as a gift or is that too humdrum?

Late Note: Check off numbers 2 (2 of 5 sent), 5 (got a few minutes in) and 6 (wrapped one) as partially done. I’m really good at getting partials done. Completion’s a whole other thing. Busy day ahead.

2 Responses to “Stuff and Nonsense”

  1. I’d love a flat iron if I ironed my hair so it’d be a fab gift!

    Just make sure to get a ceramic one. I heard they’re the best.

  2. Revanche says:

    FB: Ok, good, flat iron it is. Now I just need a gift for BF!

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