By: Revanche


January 4, 2009

Welcome to the new year!

Whoo, I haven’t touched the computer in a few days and it feels like an eternity. *petting laptop* Pretty computer, I missed you!

It’s been totally action packed around here, in a quiet, sluggish, sort of way. The pregnant friends from out of town were IN town since the Eve of New Year, as were a few other friends from the East Coast. This meant outings to the local diner, for an old times’ sake dinner of french fries, chili cheese pastrami fries, onion rings, zucchini fries, fried mushrooms, and root beer. Also, a few burgers and burritos were had around the table seating over a dozen chattering 20-somethings.

Ahhh yes, healthy healthy indeed. Even the pregnant lady passed up on salads. šŸ™‚

Other highlights? I watched the first episode of Firefly and loved it. Wish I’d borrowed the DVD to watch more of them tonight as I’m feeling under the weather again.

Spent a ton of time with pregnant friend and family.

Watched The Fellowship of the Ring with my cousin, laughed over our long-ago crushes on Orlando Bloom in that movie.

Ran errands with a friend who sympathetically listened to my stress and woes. Had the same friend help me decide what shoes to buy and shirt to wear with my suit, I want to make the right impression and she’s MUCH better at the coordinating colors thing. Her hubby makes me laugh, he was practically dancing with excitement when she admitted he was right and she was wrong about a color combination.

Caught up with friends I haven’t seen since high school; one of them has many NYC connections through her church with regards to housing and makes it seem like it’s still a possibility. Maybe. We’ll see.

Received my copy of The Good Girl’s Guide to Negotiating. It’s pink, but I haven’t decided if that means it’s fluffy yet. Another “we’ll see.”

I hope my glasses with new lenses come in soon. The optician snipped the ends of the arms so they actually fit around my ears like they should, switched the plastic nose pads for silicon ones (free!) and we’re trying single vision lenses instead of the progressives I got some years ago that give me headaches. I hate to say it but visiting the eye doctor is always more traumatic than anything else, including the dentist!

We’re back into the (work) fray tomorrow so I’ll be seeing a whole lot more computer screen, though not for fun things like blogging, twittering, reading blogs, or researching personal stuff.

I know most people were right back to work between Christmas and New Year so I’m grateful for my extra time off; for once, I’ve really squeezed my money’s worth out of the paid holidays instead of trying to find an excuse to put in more hours. If anything, I feel like it’s been a mini-decompression from the ultra-wound up mode I’m normally in all year. Now I could use a vacation from the vacation! šŸ˜‰

4 Responses to “Disconnected”

  1. Sense says:

    Legolas will always have a little piece of my heart. He is so elf-y hot in those movies!!

    Sounds like you were having lots of fun on your vacation!

  2. E.C. says:

    Firefly is available on Hulu if you decide you need to watch more.

  3. Revanche says:

    Sense: Definitely so! I shall always cherish him as Legolas … “Quickly, Frodo and Sam have reached the eastern shore! You don’t mean to follow them?”

    E.C.: Oh, how right you are …!

  4. Katie C. says:

    Completely agree about the eye doctor and here’s my reasoning – you can always improve for other doctors. You can take up flossing or exercise or eat healthier foods. But you can’t make your eyes work better than they do. So I haaaate going in because, when I fail at reading a line of letters, I feel like that kid who gets called on in class but didn’t do last night’s reading. I swear I want to do better, doc!

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