By: Revanche

Would you ask a lady her age?

February 5, 2009

I am 45
in credit years!
Credit Curious

Credit Age Quiz by

No? How about a gentleman? Still awkward? Yeah, I don’t like getting caught in that “Well, how old do you think I am?” trap. For the record: I cannot accurately visually judge age, race, weight, or even, embarrassingly once, gender. [That last was NOT entirely my fault; the guy’s friends admitted that it’d happened to him before.]

But, you may ask about my credit age! Er, you could if I hadn’t already proudly posted it up top, there. Clever Dude posted about his credit age recently and I popped in to try it out.

It’s an online quiz that asks several questions about your credit and spending history, try it out and let me know how old you are!

9 Responses to “Would you ask a lady her age?”

  1. I too, cannot judge age, weight, height, .. but gender I’ve been pretty good with, although emo boys throw me off.

    Took the quiz – ..and I’m 45.

    Jeez. I feel old now. LOL

    Fabulously Broke in the City

    Just a girl trying to find a balance between being a Shopaholic and a Saver.

  2. I was 45 too!

    I can never tell how old people are. I had a bit of a crush on this guy I work with, and then I found out he’s the same age as my Dad. It creeped me out a little bit.

  3. Bart says:

    I’m glad I’m not fifty in reality, though I’m getting close at almost thirty!

  4. Lol, I must suck I guess, since I am 26 according to the quiz. But credit capable. Hm.

  5. Money Funk says:

    What a fun little quiz. I am 44.

    So, it seems I am average in age with my finances???

  6. mOOm says:

    I was 42. Which is nice because I’m actually 44 LOL.

  7. Karen says:

    I was 48 when I lied about paying my mortgage late. I said never even though last month I did. But that was only because I spaced out not that I didn’t have the money.

    If I chose paid late once or twice, it dropped me to 44.

  8. Revanche says:

    FB: I thought it was just my personal handicap.

    At least it’s a young enough picture for a 45 yr old! šŸ™‚

    paranoidasteroid: Yeah… that’s creepy. My boss has made creepshow remarks like, “if you think Tom Cruise is too old for KH, you must think I’m ancient!” Uh, ew, I don’t think of you like that because YOU’RE MY BOSS. Creep.

    Bart: You’re just wise in years? šŸ™‚

    losangelesdaze: And you have a young soul.

    MoneyFunk: I’m not sure what they’re calling average, actually.

    mOOm: What a nice boost. šŸ™‚

    Karen: *gasp* You lied?? Hah, yeah I thought it was funny how an aberration could change the numbers. Not exactly a nuanced survey.

    notesfromthefrugaltrenches: Feel better!

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