By: Revanche

Best Mac’n’Cheese ever

March 27, 2009

My dad sure has good timing. Whatever he’s feeling guilty about, yesterday was definitely the best day to eat my cooking in an attempt to soothe my supposedly troubled soul. In my life, he’s never offered to eat anything I’ve made from scratch. It’s usually a good instinct, even though he claims it’s only because he prefers Asian foods, since my stovetop experimentation rarely produces a home run. But, last night’s? Was magic.

Presenting: the green bean, asparagus macaroni and cheese casserole!

In true old-Asian-woman style, I didn’t measure but by hand and feel. I will guarantee that’s at least a pound of shredded cheddar, one whole egg, and a can of green beans (found one, score!), but cannot attest to the quantities of any other ingredients. Handfuls, what looked about right, more handfuls, and so it went.

It may not look like much, but I assure you: delicious! It’s got a perfectly crunchy cheese and cracker crust, with gooey cheddar underneath holding the penne pasta, asparagus and green beans together. The best part is that the cheese forms a distinct layer on top, and is lightly distributed through the rest of the strata so it’s not overwhelmingly cheesy. One pound of cheddar notwithstanding.

Or wait, is the best part that it cost me less than $5 to make an entire pan of it?

No, no, no, don’t be silly. Cheese is the best part. Cheese is like unto manna for my taste buds. šŸ™‚

6 Responses to “Best Mac’n’Cheese ever”

  1. Sense says:

    wow! that looks and sounds really yummy. AND is healthy ’cause it has greens in it, right?

    I might actually learn how to cook if there were more people besides myself available to eat my concoctions!

  2. L.A. Daze says:

    I read this post during work yesterday and got so hungry that I had to get some food. I’d love to try this for comfort food!

  3. Revanche says:

    Sense: I’m telling myself the greens redeems the over-cheesed portion but … the next incarnation may have to include more asparagus. And bacon. šŸ˜‰

    If you felt kindly towards them, coworkers are often a good food audience.

    L.A. Daze: It’s definitely worth it. All told, it probably took 1 hour, but half of that was baking time. The other half was boiling pasta and throwing together time.

  4. Sense says:

    yup, i bake for my coworkers–cookies and banana bread mostly…but actual food, like dinner food that doesn’t involve CUPS of sugar? …um, i’m not that brave yet. I’d need some honest people to try things out on first!

  5. You would die for BF’s Morbier Cheese Pizza šŸ™‚

  6. Revanche says:

    Sense: Yeah, honest people would be good. Neighbors?

    FB: You must tell me more. MUST.

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