By: Revanche

Bumps in the road versus active optimism

March 18, 2009

It’s an emotional and physical off-roading sort of week, so I’ve been uninspired. That was going to be the thrust of the post, but complaining’s not going to help. (Or hasn’t, yet.)

Thusly, we’re going to practice optimism, today, because:

1) it’s Wednesday!
2) I found a highly challenging job listing that I’m a little underqualified for but I don’t care, I want it anyway. And I could do it, if they would overlook the lack of a Master’s degree. Promise.
3) and Sallie’s Niece got the job!
4) so that means it’s not categorically impossible. [No, that’s not logical. Doesn’t matter.]

I’ve been a bit fed up with my doom and gloom. Luckily, I got it all out over at i pick up pennies (thanks Abby!) Not that I suggest you read my rant, please don’t, just visit Abby if you like.

And 5) Crystal is basking in the sun for me via Twitter, never you mind if she’s playing hooky or not. šŸ™‚

Oh! and 6) I’m actually happy about the layoff now. I’m thrilled to be getting out of here, with severance. You see, I have plans for that money.

Edit for accuracy: We still need our official notice but, as long as I stick it out until June 30th, I should be all good w/regards to severance.

And 7) My doctor’s office (HMO) is ridiculously awesome. I emailed asking for an appt next Tuesday am. Got a VM that the doc was not in clinic that day, was asked to call back. I called to schedule for a different day but had to hang up before getting through. Found a voice message on my cell phone, 30 minutes later, saying that I was booked for the day/time I originally requested. Oh and, “you can come any time you like, your actual appointment is X:00.” They must love me. I want to keep them forever.

6 Responses to “Bumps in the road versus active optimism”

  1. Crystal says:

    Oh I’m still basking for you, girl. šŸ˜‰ Soooo happy I called in sick. *Cough, cough.*

    I know it sounds backward, but I’m really happy for you that you got laid off. You sound ecstatic to be leaving and on TOP of that you get severance. I’m so looking forward to quitting next month and following my dream. Enjoy yourself and follow your passion, you only live once!

  2. L.A. Daze says:

    *Scratches head* Am I missing something here? Did you get laid off? Did I read correctly or have I just been missing that fact all along?

  3. Abigail says:

    Sometimes it’s so nice to have the other shoe drop, isn’t it? No matter how bad the news is, if you’ve been waiting and dreading and knowing it was just a matter of time, it can be something of a relief. I think part of it is obvious: You don’t have to dread it anymore. But part of it is just emotional: You get to finally grieve (whether actual grieving for death or simply acknowledging the end of a part of your life, such as a job) rather than being in an eternal waiting pattern, seeing the emotions on the horizon but unable to act on them.

    When Tim finally got fired, I was actually relieved. Every time he missed work — which was increasingly often because of the MRSA — my shoulders tightened up a bit more. I knew it was just a matter of time. I was living with dread and anxiety.

    Once he was officially fired, I knew he was getting a kind of severance package, plus unemployment benefits. And it meant he got time to calm down (esp skin) before the wedding. But mostly I just didn’t have to anticipate it any more.

  4. Revanche says:

    Crystal: šŸ˜€ Not a bad idea at all!

    And thank you. On my optimistic days, I’m really really happy to be leaving. Less so when I start worrying about where my next job will come from. But I’m focusing on the opportunity.

    L.A. Daze: Oh no, not yet, I’ve just been preparing “just in case” but last week I was told that the head office initiated the paperwork to make it official. If all proceeds as they plan, and if they’re telling the clerk the truth, June 30th will be my last day.

    Abigail: We’re still 2 “ifs” away, but it’s so close to dropping, I can feel it! šŸ™‚ And yes, it’s honestly a real relief to know that there’s an end date to this madness.

    I hate that the stress and tension zero in on our shoulders and neck!

    And no matter how hard it is to deal with the actual loss, I think it’s easier than anticipation. Ugh.

  5. frugalCPA says:

    I love that the teeth ads even come through on google reader. It’s like you’re smiling out from your blog, and it’s a good thing you got your teeth cleaned. Haha.

  6. Revanche says:

    frugalCPA: Just showin’ off my pearly whites. šŸ˜€

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