By: Revanche

The Mystery of the Canned Green Beans

March 26, 2009

Every single time canned vegetables are on sale for less than fifty cents a can, I buy sweet corn and green beans. Usually French cut style, but sometimes regular cut when the French is out of stock. This is a compulsion of unknown origin and rationale: I never actually open those cans and do anything with them.

For the first time in years, I decided to make something with green beans. Mac and cheese, specifically. I was contemplating a casserole, or just green beans on the side. There’s nary a can to be found, though. None! My family doesn’t eat the canned green beans, they’re never on the dinner table, and I just keep buying them. So …. what happened to all those cans??

And then there’s that little white dog running around our front yard. A cute little brown-tip eared white Chihuahua that looks just like my dearly departed Chihuahua with reversed colors who ran right up to me and stood up on my knee, wagging his tail for all it’s worth. Strange day.

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