By: Revanche

April Snapshot

April 30, 2009

Retirement Savings

Roth IRA: $4,031
401(a): $6,551
403(b): $14,390
Total: $ 24,972 (22,362)

Emergency Savings

Catastrophe: $ 29,352
Problem Cushion: $ 1,000
Total: $ 30,352 (29,721)

Short Term Goals

Car Maintenance: $1,068
Insurance: $2,539
Travel/Con: $401
Taxes: $3,365
Moving: $3,469
Total: $ 10,842 (8,633)

Long Term Goals

House Down Payment: $101

Investment Loans

Prosper-ish: $12,630
Personal Loan: $2,000
Savings Bond: $362 (current accrued value)
Total: $ 14,992 (15,992)

Total Assets

Illiquid: $ 24,972
Semi-Liquid: $14,992
Liquid: $30,352
Expense Acct: $9,960
Goals Savings: $10,842
Total: $ 91,118 (86,841)

Debt and Liabilities

Citi 2: $177
Chase: $650
Rent: $1,360
Total: $ 2,187 (1,786)

Net Worth

$ 88,931 (85,055)

Notes and nothings:

Continuing to stash cash in the emergency fund, which may as well be called the unemployment fund at this point, and in the retirement funds to “front load” for the rest of the year in case I’m unable to contribute.

Upcoming expenses: the auto insurance is due mid-May, and I’ll be responsible for paying the life insurance independently once I’ve separated from employer. I’m not terribly concerned, that account is relatively healthy for now. As long as I’m gainfully employed sooner rather than later ….

I spent a lot this month. On the bag which I’m still really enjoying (I haven’t had a “where’s my PHONE??” panic attack since getting it), and on a lot of small eating-out ventures. Small is usually about $5 or less, but they can add up, too. Not to worry, I’m still on the brown-bagging wagon. Oh, and there was the surprise bridesmaid dress.

Of late, there’s been a significant shift in my mentality towards spending and acquisition. First, I really just don’t want all that much stuff. Less isn’t more, it’s just less. And I much prefer that. Second, even though I won’t part with money unnecessarily, some things are worth spending on: travel, quality goods that serve their purpose well and with class. For years, I was willing to buy cheap, and relatively cheaply made clothes that were basically “good enough.” I just got sick of hunting for clothes that fit me and my budget so I settled. Now, good enough isn’t good enough. A serious purge of the closet is underway, and at some point, I’ll need to restock a few key pieces. And thanks to all the fashion advice in the PF world, I might actually be picking up some style points. Is this what growing up feels like? Maybe it’s just what getting older feels like.

[Full disclosure: I’m still happiest in a t-shirt/tank top and comfy pants. But if I want to be taken seriously IRL, webcomic tees are probably not the way to go.]

4 Responses to “April Snapshot”

  1. Miss M says:

    I have trouble spending money on clothing, pretty much all of it comes out of chinese sweatshops these days. Even high end designer clothing, you’re just paying for advertising. No clothes are gonna look great on me till I lose some weight šŸ™ How have you done with the prosper loans, I’m just one month into my Lending club experiment. So far everyone made their first payment but I’m wondering what the delinquency rate is overall.

  2. Christine says:

    Fantastic Net Worth! I need to take some serious lessons from you. šŸ˜‰

  3. Matt says:

    Sounds like you’re doing alright – your debt seems to be pretty low which isn’t something most people can say. Keep it up – you’re a reminder for the rest of us that saving money and building net worth is doable.

    As for the extra expenses – you’re allowed to treat yourself once in a while.

  4. Revanche says:

    Miss M: As I get older, I don’t even really enjoy the act of window-shopping anymore, except in spurts. All the better for my wallet, I guess.

    Actually, mine isn’t through Prosper, it’s a family-related thing that is similar to Prosper. I haven’t had the nerve to try actual Prosper yet.

    Christine: Just perseverance, and a lot of digging in of heels, here. That, and learning to separate my family’s needs from wants, and bankrolling ONLY ONE.

    Matt: Luck and timing, some bullheadedness. Ok, a lot of bullheadedness. šŸ™‚ And it was both bad and good luck, actually, but it’s kinda worked out.

    If nothing else, it’s worth having tangible results from the past several years.

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