By: Revanche

Bag bag bag jig!

April 10, 2009

It’s heee-rreeeee!!

I’m so glad that I’m one of those people who falls madly in love with things I have or will have.

So this is the baaaaag ….. !!

Side view, with the side pocket for the phone and keys:

A side pocket under the tab:

The innards with a side zip pocket on one side, and two non-zip pockets on the other. I love that the side pocket zipper area is reinforced:

The other side with another side pocket, and a magnetic button:

I had to get a major close up on the side pockets so you could see the quality of the fabric. I don’t know if you can really see it clearly, but these pockets (non-zip) are even doubled up:

I had forgotten about the weight of leather – I think the weight via UPS was listed as three pounds! But it’s not too much, I immediately switched over all my stuff and carried the bag home with all my junk in it. The flat leather straps, versus the rounded straps, make a significant difference. It definitely smells like leather but not overpoweringly so, so I don’t plan to do a smell-rehab like FB has to with her beautiful leather bag.

8 Responses to “Bag bag bag jig!”

  1. So cute!

    I would add more, but I’ve grown speechless with envy.

  2. SavingDiva says:


    I also fall in love with things…right now, it’s my roomba!

  3. Smell rehab is progressing along quite nicely.

    I bought another bar of soap to speed up the process. West Indies honey soap that was nice and STRONG.. Plus I can use it after I’m done rehabbing that bag.

    I just hope that soap doesn’t start smelling like leather… gawd.. how bad would that be.

    I am in love with that bag too. Because it is a beautiful colour.. and SO DAMN PRACTICAL.

    Hey.. post your handbag contents, will ya? I’m squinting over here trying to see what you’ve got in there.

    If you post pics, I’ll do it too! šŸ˜›

  4. Miss M says:

    It’s like purse porn!

  5. Sense says:

    simply goooorgeous, dahling. very, very nice!! yummm, leather…

  6. Revanche says:

    paranoidasteroid: šŸ™‚ I’m awfully pleased myself. Makes me actually want to go and do things where I bring Bag along.

    savingdiva: When did you get your roomba? I’ve always kinda wanted one.

    FB: Perfect, I’m glad it’s working. Haha, no, I’m pretty sure that the soap is safe. But even if it started to reverse smell, you just take several layers off the bar and you’re good again.

    A whole other post coming up for you.

    Miss M: šŸ˜› Esp. with FB’s “I’ll show you mine” comment above? j/k!

    Sense: Thank you! šŸ™‚

  7. Revanche says:

    notesfromthefrugaltrenches: It is quite! šŸ™‚

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