By: Revanche

By request: more bag

April 14, 2009

My obsessiveness with the bag has subsided (though not my love for it!)

This post is to satisfy FB‘s curiosity about the contents of my bag. I didn’t think you’d be interested, so I actually emptied it all out before taking pictures the first time around. šŸ™‚

My basic work pack includes a planner – yes, I’m still operating on a paper and pen basis there, a little notebook for my scribblings, a pencil case-like make-up bag from that holds a pocket mirror, lip balm and other little essentials, my wallet, the cell phone charger, tissues in the side pocket, and lotion with SPF in the other side pocket.

Much as I love technology, there’s something therapeutic about literally scribbling notes and financial calculations in a little notebook at the end of a long day in front of the computer.

Outside the bag are these little pouches, perfect for holding my Bluetooth in one, and candy in the other.

My phone and keys reside in the front side pouch which I think you’ve already seen.

Curiosity satisfied? šŸ™‚

Back to regularly scheduled programming soon ….

6 Responses to “By request: more bag”

  1. I’m always fascinated by what’s in others’ bags. Your is so organized! I usually have pens and candy wrappers floating around in mine…

  2. L.A. Daze says:

    I also keep a little notebook to scribble in! And I also still have a planner. Even though I input everything into my computer and phone, I still need to write it down to feel satisfied.

  3. Sistah Ant says:

    I still use a paper planner, too. It cost me something like $3.

  4. Revanche says:

    paranoidasteroid: The candy wrappers are discreetly tucked back into the candy pocket for now. Pens stay in the side zippered pocket. This has just enough pockets for my “categories” without being overwhelming.

    L.A. Daze: I think it’d be better for my compacticity (made that up, yes) if I upgraded to tech. Just don’t want to. Or to spend the money to.

    Sistah Ant: I’ve been getting my planner from work, but now that I’m getting cut off, I should probably wean onto something cheaper.

  5. Satisfied.. for now. šŸ™‚

    If only I could touch the bag too šŸ˜› That’d be the ultimate. And use it. And wear it around town .. šŸ˜€

  6. Revanche says:

    FB: Hahaha hey! Come back with my bag! šŸ™‚

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