By: Revanche

Falling off the wagon

May 15, 2009

You know, it’d be a lot easier to stay on the straight and narrow, the responsibility train, the sensible spending wagon if it weren’t for these jokers. Oh, I mean! lovely lady-friends on Twitter:

Actually, I tease. We’re all pseudo-enablers because we appreciate a few fine things in life, and I’m just now starting to be able to enjoy it a wee sma’ [that means “a little” if you’re not familiar with the Scottish] without worrying about being foolish about our money. My girls would rein each other in if we sensed impending spending disaster, right? Right? Girls?

And credit where it’s due, FB isn’t shy at all about what she wants. And Well-Heeled is a great sounding board for refining my style. And we’re all pretty good about analyzing potential suitors to a fare-thee-well for size, fit, appropriateness and overall awesomeness.

It’s thanks to my faith in them that I stepped in ’round Gilt Groupe for a look-see, and immediately fell in head over heels for some of the most gorgeous designs I could not, should not, luckily-missed-the-sale-entirely-so-would not, afford. Herve Leger, will you be mine forever?

The color combinations, the fabrics, the dangerously unforgiving fit, mmm! I’ll tell you what, I’m grateful as all get out that they were sold out of every single one by the time I arrived on the scene because I might have been flogged out of the PF blogosphere for egregious lack of judgment and utter abuse of rationalization.

But, look at them! Can you really, really blame me? [Pssst, yes. Say yes!]

Anyway. The sane part of me, and the wallet part of me, are both saying their Hail Marys that I didn’t get a crack at one of those dresses because I’m pretty sure the sale prices were around a neck-poppin’ $600. For those who care, one of them retails at $1590. Don’t care how much the discount is, $600 is still insane. So I can say when it’s no longer within my grasp.

*shaking head*

Alright, I think that’s gotten the swooning out of my system. Time to go pay some bills.

11 Responses to “Falling off the wagon”

  1. Me? Enable? *innocent*

    Thanks for the link.. hee hee..

    And now everyone knows what kind of a PF person I really am. Gee thanks! šŸ˜› I’m sure to get hate mail along the lines of : LEAVE REVANCHE ALONE! POOR GIRL!

    Blabbity bla bla..

    That last Herve Leger dress is my favourite because of that fantastic back

    A bandage dress would not do my chest any favours but on you, it’d look hot, I’m sure.

    $600 is also out of my reach. $300 is kind of the max I’ll pay for anything :\ And even then, I’m hemming and hawing over $100…

    Don’t worry, Well-Heeled and I will tell you if you’ve gone crazy…

  2. Wait. I just realized something. Did you give people the link to the What FB Wants site just so they could be sucked into falling off the wagon too? šŸ˜›

    Ginger already gave me heat for making her addicted to the blog.

  3. L.A. Daze says:

    Herve Leger!

    Try and

    Some great finds on there as well šŸ™‚

    Now if only I could find some Christian Louboutins on sale…if you ever see them, you know where to find me!

  4. SavingDiva says:

    love the one shoulder!!!!!!!

  5. mOOm says:

    I don’t like the high neck one… but the others are nice. Well I’m sure there is a cheaper version of the style out there somewhere šŸ™‚

  6. LOL! When I was young, I used to be able to wear things like that.

    Wear ’em while you’ve got ’em, ladies!

    The coolest dress I ever had came from Nieman Marcus’s swimwear department. Yes! I went in to Nieman’s looking for a cocktail dress for one of those endlessly demanding lawyers’ social performances; stumbled all over the second floor and couldn’t find a thing. Eventually one of the sales ladies took pity on me.

    “Stay here,” she said. I stayed, cloistered in a departmentful of samenesses.

    Shortly she came back with this amazing form-kissing floor-length thing, very reminiscent of the dresses here, only long. She didn’t say where it came from.

    I put it on, and it was drop. dead. gorgeous. All it needed was some classy jewelry, which I happened have laying around the house. Only after I’d decided to buy it did she reveal that it actually was a swim coverup!

    And though the price was more than I’d pay for lounging around a pool, it sure wasn’t the equivalent of today’s $600.

  7. Sense says:

    ooooh, those dresses are DI-VINE! love the bandage style. you are turning into FB, what with these dresses and your gorgeous new purse, missy!

    Yep, MAJOR ‘no way’s to the price, though. even the sale price. I have absolutely nowhere to wear it…no use for it, except to hang up on my wall to admire it. even for art…that’s beyond my price range!

    sigh. when was it that we are all going to get rich, again??

  8. Abigail says:

    Wow. Dresses are pretty. Pretty dresses.

    Okay, I wiped up the drool and can now think coherently. They are gorgeous. I definitely get the clothes urge at times. I can’t help it. Tim and I are both naturally inclined to pretty, wearable things. Sigh.

    I think once we’ve paid off debt we’ll be increasing the budget for clothes rather quickly. Though I know, technically, a car should be the first order of business. It’s not really worth planning out right yet anyway, since we’re still around $7500 on credit cards, plus another $5,000ish to relatives.

    I think the clothes thing will be harder to put off if and when I lose some of this weight. For now, I’m pretty uninterested in buying anything except for a few more sports bras and workout gear.

  9. Revanche says:

    FB: Haha please, do you see anyone scolding you around here? We’re all busy drooling over the pretties. šŸ™‚

    And yes, I did link to you for a reason. To SHARE because I’m a sharing person. *giggle*

    Honestly, I don’t know how the bandage style would work on me, too skinny! but I still <3 it.

    LA Daze: What was I just telling FB? There are more enablers than toe-the-liners around here! šŸ™‚

    Signed up for Hautelook … just to see!

    You’ll be the first I call up if I see CLs on sale.

    SavingDiva: I couldn’t wear that for sure, but I like.

    mOOm: The colors on the high-neck is my favorite part about it.

    Funny About Money: That’s an awesome story! I love it when the salespeople actually know their inventory and can unearth gems you’d never have found or thought of.

    Sense: No ma’am, no no, we’re supposed to get rich FIRST [let’s call it Oct 2012], and then I can turn into FB šŸ™‚

    At $600, I’d have to wear it to every single function (and make some up) for years to justify the cost.

    Abigail: I’ve finally realized that I actually need a clothing budget.

    I don’t have one at all so I feel guilty over every single purchase. I used to shop at department stores so I’d just redeem CC points for gift cards, but now that it’s all online shopping, that doesn’t work anymore.

  10. Miss M says:

    No temptation for me, I would need to lose 20 pounds and grow 8″ to fit in one of those dresses! Very unforgiving in the fit dept and all I’ve eaten is fat laden crap for the last few weeks, I barely fit in the clothes I already own. But it’s fun to look!

  11. Revanche says:

    Miss M: Funny you should mention growing … I actually find that dresses are more forgiving because it’s usually my favorite pair of jeans that don’t fit when I put on lbs.

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