By: Revanche

Recipe Countdown Day 1: Roasted Asparagus with Poached Egg

June 29, 2009

Roasted Asparagus with Poached Egg
[Image and Recipe courtesy of]


1 pound thick asparagus (trimmed)
4 eggs
salt and pepper to taste
parmigiano reggiano to taste (grated, optional)
balsamic vinegar to taste (optional)

1. Spread the asparagus out in a single layer on a flat baking dish.
2. Roast in a preheated 400F oven until tender, about 10-15 minutes.
3. Bring a large pot of water to a boil and reduce the heat to medium.
4. Crack an egg into a bowl and pour the egg from the bowl into the water and repeat for remaining eggs.
5. Let the eggs cook until the whites are set but the yolks are not, about 2-3 minutes.
6. Arrange the asparagus on plates and top with the poached eggs.
7. Season with salt and pepper and sprinkle on some parmigiano reggiano.


It’s no secret I adore Closet Cooking and Kevin’s cooking style. Some of his very best recipes are just so simple and delicious! It’s unfortunate that the 99 cent bundles of asparagus have been so rare this summer because I can’t imagine getting tired of this dish any time soon.


Guys, I almost did not survive that wedding on Saturday. I love my friend to death, and I love that she was so very non-Bridezilla about most of the arrangements. She had her sis in law set up make-up shop and help all 5 gals with their faces, one of the bridesmaids was an absolute wizard with the curling iron. My amateur photographer friend was late, thereby delaying me, and she didn’t bat an eyelash. None of that mattered.


It was so so so very laidback that she didn’t bother to hold rehearsal. I knew that, but figured she’d briefed the wedding party. Wrong. I kid you not, our instructions were “no sunglasses, and MOH/Best Man go last!” The kid I was paired with told me he didn’t know where he was supposed to go once we made it up the aisle!

We made it through the ceremony, then lost the MOH to something she’d had for lunch, and gathering the family for photos was literally like catching goldfish barehanded. Everytime I snared a parent, another sibling disappeared. Gathered grandparents, and lost the bride’s parents!! Happily, daylight lasted long enough to get just about all the group pictures they wanted. The weather was perfect, cool with a breeze, but never cold.

Which leads me to the killer bit: that meant everyone hung out, and the DJ played music for-ev-er. And this cute little girl wouldn’t let go of my hands, much less let me sit down between songs during the dancing, and guys? Four and a half hours of dancing in heels? I wanted to die Sunday. Just die. I’m too old for this, and am officially retiring from the bridesmaiding business. You heard it here: I’m hanging up my last bridesmaid dress for good.

3 Responses to “Recipe Countdown Day 1: Roasted Asparagus with Poached Egg”

  1. Kathleen says:

    If only one could really retire from the bridesmaid business…I would love to myself but I can’t imagine saying no to one of my friends as it’s supposed to be a huge honor. But it’s SUCH a drain on the finances and time…bleh.

  2. Revanche says:

    Kathleen: You know what I was thinking? Email blast. “Hey guys! So here are the pictures from the last wedding I was in! And speaking of last … ”

    As close as I am to the others in my circle, I’m pretty sure that no one else is going to ask me to serve. Or maybe that’s what I say now just on the heels of wedding fatigue.

  3. Crystal says:

    LOL, I can understand why you’re done with the whole bridesmaid’s business. For such a laidback affair it sounded very stressful. Guess Bridezillas exist for a reason? šŸ˜› Either way weddings are so expensive and so frustrating to plan.

    Re: the roasted aspargus: *Drools.*

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