By: Revanche

Make way for the high roller!

July 16, 2009

It’s been about a month in the making, but I’ve finally committed. My TradeKing account is open, funded, and I executed my first trade. You’re reading the words of the proud owner of ten shares of KO. šŸ™‚

Ohhh yeah, that’s right. A whole ten shares. Because for a thousand dollars, I seemed to think I’d start a slightly diversified portfolio with two kinds of stocks with only two in mind to start. Further research revealed that whole thousand dollars still couldn’t buy half a Berkshire Hathaway B class share. I should have just bought 20 shares of KO and been done with it. (Already with the hindsight, here.) If/when the price drops below $48 again, I’ll go ahead and nab a few more.

To be honest, it’s amusing that this first purchase is so exciting, but I can’t help it. This is my first step on a (one hopes!) long investing journey of dividends, splits and income. This isn’t a blog about hot stock tips or the latest investing tool, so you don’t have to worry about that. It remains a blog about all things financially exciting and novel in my life, you can rest assured that the carrying on about rather mundane things such as saving money and creating growth income shall continue.

5 Responses to “Make way for the high roller!”

  1. Moneymonk says:

    I should have just bought 20 shares of KO and been done with it.”


    Don’t get too anxious take your time

  2. mapgirl says:

    Ooh. I hope you got it under $50. Why KO? I own a bunch of it and I love the dividend. My boyfriend drinks so much KO, we decided I’d have to buy about $25,000.00 worth to get enough dividends to pay for his Diet Coke addiction. LOL

    It’s worth it to research and be deliberate in your choices. I was a little too anxious to get BRKB last summer and have watched it tank since.

  3. Matt says:

    Congrats on the account – when my first shares were purchased for me I was unbelievable excited too though I did’t have anything to do with the purchase.

    Sounds like you’ve done your homework – keep it up and next time you’ll know to get 20 shares.

  4. YUP!! šŸ™‚

    *high fives for starting investment accounts*

    I got a little bit of Proctor & Gamble, Google (WOO HOO IT WENT UP!), ING because I love it and Cost-Co because we saw the massive lineups on the weekends…

  5. Revanche says:

    Moneymonk: I’ve just a touch of fear of commitment, so that evens out the anxiety.

    Mapgirl: Yep, I bought under $50, so I’m going to try and buy again under $50. In my head, I need to get it cheaper than I did before to make up for the additional trading fee.

    KO: good dividends, it’s a strong consumer brand, it’s been going head to head with Pepsi for years and holding its own. I can see them taking a few missteps, but not without correcting itself. And judging by the number of people who share your BF’s Diet Coke addiction, they’re not going to go under any time soon. šŸ˜‰

    Matt: Thanks! I’ll think it through a little more carefully next time, and I need to start building my stock wish list.

    FB: *high five* I think P&G and Costco are on that list. Just need to decide what price I’m willing to buy at. And start picking other stocks, not just consumer brands.

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