By: Revanche

Signed, sealed, stamped

July 19, 2009

I returned home to a 10-inch stack of mail: unemployment claims forms, credit card fraud validation forms, a few bills I’d already seen online. A new credit card to replace the canceled one, instructions from the EDD to register for work on CalJOBS or else, porting forms for life insurance, the all important instructions for COBRA.

And a check for overtime in the amount of $800. I can’t believe I’d forgotten about that! Speaking of forgetting things, I almost forget to add the rent check to the pile of envelopes to be sent out.

Depositing that check and a small wad of cash from my trip fends off the spectre of being a non-earner for another week or two; the lack of earned income bothers me at an intellectual level but it hasn’t really hit me in the gut yet thanks to these little infusions of income. I’m still nervous about California coming through with unemployment but that remains a mostly nebulous fear; pretty sure I’d hear all about it post-haste if that were to fall apart.

I’ve waded through most of the forms by now, but there remains the life insurance porting and COBRA. The former requires a call to the benefits administrator before it can be completed and mailed: some genius decided to fill out all the “annual salary at time of termination” blanks with “$110,000.” Wishful thinking on both our parts, pal.

The latter is just too much fine print to read tonight. Maybe tomorrow. Oh and the CalJOBS application. *sigh* I hate online forms that require the laborious filling in of text boxes and drop down menus. It’s all on the resume!

3 Responses to “Signed, sealed, stamped”

  1. Miss M says:

    Caljobs is silly but to the unemployment people it’s the most important thing in the world. I got called in for an in-person appt one time (and had to rush back early from vacation to make, shh), they checked that I had registered for Caljobs and that was it. I flew cross country for a 5 minute interview, so annoying.

  2. Revanche says:

    Miss M: I’m SO glad that I’m not the only one exasperated by this. Do they even care if you’re out of the state interviewing? Because if they don’t take that into account, I’m not going to be a happy camper.

  3. Matt says:

    Sometimes the paperwork is just necessary. Good luck getting through it all (at least you batched everything and can do other things now).

    How’s the job search coming along?

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