By: Revanche

Better than No-Spend Days

August 21, 2009

What’s better than not spending?

Making up for past stupid spending!

I pled my rheumatically, unemployed case with the hotel, and the woman I spoke with was kind enough to cut me some slack. Some $40 slack! I was polite, acknowledged that the ball had been dropped on my end entirely, but asked for a bit of consideration due to extenuating circumstances, and she obliged.

5 Responses to “Better than No-Spend Days”

  1. I would have never thought to ask! Just goes to show it doesn’t hurt to put it out there.

  2. I would have figured asking wouldn’t do anything and talked myself out of calling — good work!

  3. Sense says:

    If you don’t ask…you don’t receive. Good job, that takes the sting out of it a lil bit, yeah?

  4. Revanche says:

    Cents in the City: Absolutely. I was debating with myself about whether or not I should, but why not?

    stackingpennies: I felt like it was a negotiating practice run. Weird and awkward, but silences DO work.

    Sense: Oh it most certainly does, the credit has been applied to my card!

  5. Miss M says:

    Awesome, I’m glad you called. It never hurts to ask, at worst they’ll say no. It helps to explain you are unemployed, most people are more sympathetic then.

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