By: Revanche

Fitting a square peg into the right pegboard

August 11, 2009

Even though my authorial participation in carnivals is low, I haven’t found my stories yet, at least, not the stories that fit into each specific carnival, I still want to remain engaged with the pf blogging community at large.

I’ve found a job for myself that is more in line with my behind-the-scenes style: helping Flexo manage the Carnival of Personal Finance!

I’m excited about this opportunity, and hope that I’ll be a good fit on the other side of the curtains!

4 Responses to “Fitting a square peg into the right pegboard”

  1. Carrie says:

    Cool! So what will you be doing?? Helping scheduling, etc.? Glad you found something more “you”. šŸ™‚

  2. Miss M says:

    Congrats, that should be interesting. I submitted an offer to host recently, but got the feeling that they want more high profile blogs to host ie the questions about subscription numbers, daily visitors etc. I need the exposure of hosting to boost those numbers! Good luck with this new venture.

  3. Awesome! People pay actual money for this? That’s good news.

  4. Revanche says:

    Carrie: Mostly email contacts, get the post up about the carnival, that sort of thing.

    Miss M: Thanks šŸ™‚ I’ve never hosted myself, but wanted to. I don’t know if they do pick hosts based on profile, but I hope not.

    FAM: Oh, I don’t think I’m getting paid for this…. am I?? I didn’t really ask. šŸ™‚ Such a responsible PFer, I am.

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