By: Revanche

I packed like a moron

August 24, 2009

After years of business travel, you’d think my packing skills would be solid. Guess that only applies if you’re paying attention!

For a week-long trip to a clime easily thirty degrees cooler than home, I packed two pairs of jeans, a long sleeved shirt, a few short sleeved shirts and a couple light cardigans. They can barely even be called sweaters because they’re super lightweight and one is cropped.

Then, it all went into an enormous tote. Great for avoiding baggage fees, terrible for day trips into the metro area or going out for meals. It’s half my size!

I wasn’t planning to shop, so I’m doing my level best to avoid buying warm clothing, a lightweight travel purse that scrunches down easily, and a pair of shiny leggings a la Flashdance. Wait wait, no no, not shiny leggings. Just regular ones so that if I end up going horseback riding … or given the state of my hands, horseback sitting…. my knees won’t be terribly abused by the seams of my jeans.

Actually, I’m skipping the horsey sidetrip entirely because I’d need appropriate pants and boots, neither of which came with me.

Lack of preparedness, folks, it can destroy your budget in a BIG WAY. I’ve made do so far, but feeling deprived (and COLD), I could so easily have bought three different sweaters and extra shoes that I’d ultimately be annoyed about packmuling home.

One Response to “I packed like a moron”

  1. So true about lack of preparedness!

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