By: Revanche

Biding my time

September 17, 2009

In a way, it’s good that I’ve done this before. The vigil, the family meetings, the doctors meetings, the family-doctor meetings. It means that I viscerally understand that there’s a good time and not so good time to have visitors.

Friend asked me to be on call for my visit, so I’ve obliged. The original plan was to be there first thing this morning and take care of household stuff like laundry and cooking and cleaning. Stuff that their mom would feel compelled to do. But it turns out that it’d be easier for them if I were to be coming late this evening or early tomorrow morning.

In the meantime, I’ve done my deed for the day and emergency babysat for a girlfriend whose back has been bothering her. The timing was perfect: my day was opened up just a few minutes before she needed me. Now she’s been to the doctor and back, tended to, and is resting.

Now I’ve got to rest up, and then pack. And also locate new, cheaper auto insurance. And perhaps renters’ insurance as well. It’s what he would expect.

2 Responses to “Biding my time”

  1. You have so much on your plate, I’m sorry you are going through all this!

  2. Revanche says:

    Notes From The Frugal Trenches: Thanks for the empathy.

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