By: Revanche

Blogger’s gonna make me lose my mind

October 8, 2009

Sooo I think I’ve rounded up all the extant parts and widgets (widgets?? It’s a whole different language going on here.)  Yes, Blogger switched to New Blogger or some sort of thing forever ago, but like New Coke, I thought it’d go away soon enough.  Or at least by the time I was ready to take on another template change.

I sure was wrong, but in the flush of new-cold delirium, it seemed like a worthwhile endeavor since I was stuck cooped up in the house anyway.

Uh yeah.  Not really. Turns out that you have to upgrade from Classic Blogger, add these newfangled widgets, replace the HTML template with the right one, save that, go back and re-add those widgets because the first time around you forgot to save it, save, then find out you added the wrong template that has text screaming from one end of the screen to the other right over the sidebar.

Oh wait.  Start over.  Replace the HTML template. Save. Edit widgets. Save.  Realize that you’re now missing Adsense and can’t add it because javascript in the HTML? Doesn’t. Show. UP.


Annnyway. It took a good long while, but between that and watching listening to old episodes of Reba, we might be all set around here?

Many many thanks to fantastic FB who did all the designing, colors, more designing, tweaks and twitches needed to make this happen! You wouldn’t believe the amount of work she had to do, between rewriting crap code, tailoring things for New Blogger who is unbelievably picky, and still making things pretty.  

*dusting hands*

Whatcha think?

8 Responses to “Blogger’s gonna make me lose my mind”

  1. L.A. Daze says:

    At first I thought…woah…did I arrive on the right blog? It’s very clean cut…but you need pictures! I do prefer it though 🙂

  2. Emailed you, but you gotta wait for Adsense for about 48 hours before it shows up 🙂 Don’t fret.

    Any chance you can email me the HTML or whatever you used to set up that template and I’ll experiment on my side?

  3. Sense says:

    ooh, new look! I was so confused at first. Like, when did I add *this* blog?? But it looks good!

    Yeah, blogger kinda sucks. NEW blogger def. sucks. been thinking of migrating to wordpress for a while now, but…just lack motivation. Seems like so much work!

  4. Carrie says:

    I like it!! But I do sorta miss that girl at the top of your last layout. Ha ha. But, it looks very nice, very clean! A great change!

  5. Miss M says:

    It looks good, any time you change templates there are all sorts of bugs to deal with. My template is super buggy still and it makes me wanna lose my mind too! I’m thinking of moving over to wordpress, but it becomes more of a chore the longer I wait. I came late to the party, there was only new blogger when I started, I didn’t even know there was an old one!

  6. Money Funk says:

    Computers never make for a quick update. One thing can take hooooouuuurs. LOL.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Thumbs up! I agree pictures/girl back

  8. Revanche says:

    L.A. Daze: I do need pictures, that’s still a work in progress.

    FB: Know what I did screw up? Analytics script. It was in the wrong place so it hasn’t been tracking for days.

    Sense: It was a painstaking process but took much less time this round compared to the first time I tried a new template.

    Carrie: I miss her, too! But that’s because I don’t have any prettification going on just yet.

    Miss M: Probably good that you never had to deal with the switchover, I felt repressed! 🙂

    MoneyFunk: Between contrary computers and my relative ineptitude with code.. let’s just say I saved about ten drafts, one for each change I tested!

    Karen: Thanks! I’m on it! 😉

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