By: Revanche

Eating on a budget in Hawaii

November 25, 2009

Thanks to our generous living arrangements, my travel companions and I economized on the food budget by taking advantage of the local Safeway two miles down the road, and the kitchen stocked with cooking supplies.

We made more than one grocery run but the first $250 worth of groceries yielded three days’ meals for three to five people.

Sunday dinner

I cooked dinner for five on Sunday night: green salad dressed with a balsamic spritzer, green beans and red potatoes, baked basa (fish) with roasted tomatoes and pesto. The leftover fish made excellent fish sandwiches the next day with a dab of mayo, a couple slices of cheddar and crispy lettuce.

Daily breakfasts on the balcony

 Tuesday’s Dinner

I cooked lemon chicken to go with rice pilaf, steamed broccoli, and used the remaining potatoes and green beans. Groceries are remarkably expensive. Even on sale, we paid $1.99 a pound for chicken! Three half breasts and seven thigh pieces yielded six dinner servings and a chicken sandwich lunch.

 More on the expenses of eating out in Hawaii next!

5 Responses to “Eating on a budget in Hawaii”

  1. Bobby says:

    Great economizing, a necessity in Hawaii. Costco was a life-saver during my annual winter trek to the North Shore.

  2. Looks like you guys did well! I’ve never been to Hawaii but I know it can get expensive.

  3. Revanche says:

    @ Bobby: Ah, we never did hit Costco, but my friends did when they hosted us for a steak dinner. De-lish!

    @HighClassLowIncome: I had no idea, but my friends say that the COL is 40% higher than in CA! Crazy.

    @Rina the Mama Bear & F.Z.: ’twas!

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