By: Revanche

New York (again) on a budget (of sorts)

November 12, 2009

NYC was wonderful.  No new ode, I still feel the same way.  There was perhaps less glitz sparkling in my eyes, but only because the trip was shorter and it took a little longer for the rigors of traveling cross-country to wear off.

May I recommend, by the by, always using before selecting your seats?  It’s truly my own fault, but I felt like I was being punished for using an award ticket to travel.  The outbound flight was ok, but the seat I was squished into on the return flight: a] wouldn’t recline (way to pick the row in front of the emergency exit), the overhead light was broken, and b] was right next to the galley where business class’s delectables were prepared and wheeled past me. Pasta, garlic bread, and brownies, oh my!

First, in pictures…..

     My preflight and inflight snack system …                                    
DFW’s downright neighborly …..

Woefully underdressed upon my arrival, TopShop and I immediately became acquainted.  Those tights were really expensive but oh-so-warm.  They were daily wear: kept my legs warm AND kept my feet from blistering up a storm in the new flats.

Citi sponsored free ice skating in Bryant Park.  Am I the only one thinking that Citi shouldn’t be sponsoring anything at all right now?

Mamoun’s [just off the Astor Place subway stop] makes a mean schwarma sandwich. That was some amazing deliciousness for $5.

Gorgeous weather in the city …

I truly wish that I’d inserted my ARM in the photo for scale.  That rib bone lying across the top was the size of my forearm.  That platter was well worth the $22.  [Blue Smoke restaurant, home of the first time I’ve had an amazing oyster.]

“Not to rub it in, but my treat because I can get this any time. I live here, you don’t!”
I hate you, friend. I love you and I hate you.

You, Ippudo, I love. Always.  Home of the snarkiest [in a good way] waitstaff ever.

Waiter overhearing a reference to San Diego: “You’re from CA?”
“I knew it. I just knew it’d play out like that!”

Waiter: “Miss?  Miss? Would you like an extra bowl of noodles?”
Me: *mouth terribly full of pork*
Friend: Uh, she can’t talk right now, she just stuffed herself full of pork.
Waiter: Runs Away.
Me: *mouth still full* Wait!

Waiter to my sloooow-eating friend:  “Can I take this away already?”
We: point and laugh at her.

Furry friends

Bye bye, awesome NYC food.  Airport food [4 oz veggie orzo, 4 oz red potato salad, 2 oz chips: $6.50]

Then, in numbers …..
Ticket: $7.50
Day One: $29
Day Two: $62.50
Day Three-Five: $0
Day Six: $30
Day Seven: $95
Day Eight: $44.50
Total: $ 268.50

It’s a total budget cheat that I paid next to nothing for transportation [about $40 for airfare and Metro] and nothing at all for lodgings due to the repeat generosity of my friends.  What kind of advice could really be derived from this?  Have good friends in strategic places?  For what it’s worth, I absolutely intend to pay it forward.

I spent a ton on clothes: $55 at TopShop for 2 pairs of tights and a pair of leggings. They’re all super comfortable and made of good material which is not the case for the discounted stuff I found at Filene’s [and they made me look funny.]

There was also a Blitzkrieg trip to H&M where I picked up a grey sweaterdress, black belt and white long sleeve for another $50. The sweaterdress replaces a black cowl-neck dress (circa 2002) and is now falling apart. The long sleeve is the beginning of my replacing ratty old long sleeved layers (circa 2004).

7 Responses to “New York (again) on a budget (of sorts)”

  1. WHERE is there a TopShop in the city?! I vaguely remember hearing they were coming, but they’re open?!

  2. 444 says:

    Thanks for the awesome photos. I didn’t zoom in on the food, but I did on the scenery. Makes me feel like I was there. (I’m not really all that far away, but still.)

  3. Money Funk says:

    I’ve always wanted to go to NYC for to see the Christmas windows. One of these days. Glad you had a fun trip.

    You didn’t happen to meet up with FB, did you? 😉

  4. Revanche says:

    Little Miss Moneybags: Oh girl, you’re missing out. JEGGINGS. They had TREGGINGS AND JEGGINGS. [Frightening is what they were] It’s in Soho, up Broadway, north of the Canal Street station off the 6. The address I looked up said it was on Howard St, but it’s not, it’s just directly on Broadway. Go. Love. SHARE.

    444: I’m so glad you appreciated them, I love sharing photos but it’s good to know you like seeing them!

    MoneyFunk: Now that, I have not done. I feel like I’m doing NYC one season at a time: summer, fall, winter? I’m just about out of miles, though, so I doubt that’ll happen. No, sadly, I tried to talk her into coming down but it didn’t work. 🙂

  5. L.A. Daze says:

    This makes me want to go to New York. That shawarma sandwich…yummmm. Yay for friends in cool places!

  6. So very very jealous of your NYC trip! NY is on my must see before I croak list. At Christmastime. 🙂

  7. Revanche says:

    L.A.Daze: The food there is beyond words, sometimes. Transportatively good!

    Rina: Put it on the calendar, lady!! (I know, easy for me to say, right?)

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