By: Revanche

The 7-minute lunch

November 9, 2009

Aren’t these tomatoes beautiful?Ā  Eight ounces of mini mozzarella balls cost the same as a 8-oz chunk of the cheese that I’d normally buy; I’m glad I went with these little dollops instead. They were much easier to serve, just peel open the jar and plop – place gently – on the sliced tomatoes.Ā  A dash of olive oil and a few dashes of balsamic vinegar finished the plating nicely.

This salad was served with a side of buttered crumpets that I have no photos of because, er, I devoured them.Ā  They were awfully pretty, toasted, but you’ll just have to take my word for it. Sorry!

6 Responses to “The 7-minute lunch”

  1. Mmmm! Tomatoes and Mozzerella are my FAVE! That looks like yummmmm.

  2. oilandgarlic says:

    I have to ask! Why do Americans always put balsamic vinegar on fresh mozzarella? It is never done in Italy and the fresh mozzarella is so delicious that vinegar is unnecessary and covers the fresh taste. Of course, I noticed that the quality of mozzarella in Italy is generally higher than in the U.S. Could that be the reason??

  3. Michelle says:

    That is the best lunch ever. Hands-down. *Drooling*

  4. SS4BC says:

    If I liked tomatoes I would probably be drooling. =)

    Not substitute that will some grilled eggplant, I think it would be PERFECT!

  5. Revanche says:

    me in millions: I’ve come to love them well šŸ™‚

    oilandgarlic: Out of habit, most likely, and I’d venture to say that we don’t really have *fresh* mozzarella like they do in Italy. Italian mozzarella is out of this world, but American packaged “fresh” is not really so much. Now if there’s any way to get hold of the real stuff and bring it home, I wouldn’t sully that with a dash of balsamic.

    Michelle: Here’s a napkin šŸ™‚

    SS4BC: It took some 21 years before I learned to like tomatos. It was in Italy, in fact, where the transformation came about — gorgeous Roma tomatoes with sumptuous flavor and wonderful cheese … I simply had to convert.

    I’d give grilled eggplant a try, I think, though I’m anti-mushy foods.

    Notesfromthefrugaltrenches: ’twas indeed.

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