By: Revanche

January Investment Update

January 19, 2010

I forgot to add the Lending Club account to my net worth snapshots, so I’ll be adding them this month under the investment services tag.  I’ve had the account for about 5 months and forgot about it since I only funded it with $50 of promotional money. 

Pictured above is my 2009 year end review.  So far, my only note, a Grade A paying 7.74% note is coming along nicely. I wish I’d had a chance to help fund MoneyFunk’s loan, it would have been nice to help out a fellow blogger but she whipped up 85 borrowers and fully funded in 16 hours!

I’ll go ahead and check out potential new loans this month to commit another $100 or so to it.  I’m sticking to A grade loans, I don’t have any need to take major risks for an additional 5% at this point, 7-9% is perfectly adequate.
Daily Exercise Update:  Ran many errands in the cold and wet. If I were in this for the weight loss, I’m sure I burned many calories trotting from store to store, and a bonus sum from shivering.  I’m not so I’m counting it as stiff upper-lipping in nearly-extreme weather conditions instead.

4 Responses to “January Investment Update”

  1. Money Funk says:

    Thanks RevancheGS, for wanting to help me out. It was quite a positive experience in getting an LC loan.

    I just won a $50 promotional money – can’t wait to use it on an investment. Glad to hear the investment side works nicely, too. 🙂

  2. Money Funk says:

    Oh ya… and thank you for the link luv.

  3. Shtinkykat says:

    I think Miss M had one of her LC loans go into default so I’m still leery about LC as an investment vehicle. But I’m really glad yours is working out. 😀

  4. Revanche says:

    @MoneyFunk: Not at all, better a fellow blogger than a perfect stranger!

    @Shtinkykat: I’m a little hesitant as well, I’ve only got the one loan and I’m only 7 months into the process. Maybe it doesn’t seem to be that big a deal because it’s such a small loan ($50).

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