By: Revanche

Secret benefit of Amazon Prime?

January 12, 2010

Daily exercise update:  My legs were screaming at me, I had to pass.


Pure indulgence I always thought Amazon Prime was, for the infrequent buyer like me.  While free two-day shipping and zero minimum orders would be awesome, I’d never really had an issue with bundling orders and filler items. I avoid filler items, actually, but that’s beside the point.

That $79/year may not seem like a whole lot over the course of a year, it’s just under $7 a month, but I always knew there were better uses for my almost $100.  It seemed kind of like the skip to the front of the line pass at an amusement park. I don’t mind lines so much in good company, so it never seemed worth it. 

So I never knew, and none of the reviews I’d ever read of the service ever mentioned, that an Amazon Prime membership holder can actually invite up to four household members to use their services.  You could potentially split that membership more than two ways to defray the cost of a Prime membership to a more reasonable $20 or $30/year if you really wanted the luxury of fast and awfully cheap (you are still paying the membership fee, after all) shipping.

This could be useful if you’ve got family members away at college: they’d be able to save on shipping for *ahem* textbooks, and such.  You know, the school type stuff. 😉

8 Responses to “Secret benefit of Amazon Prime?”

  1. My dad is a huge Amazon buyer and I know he loves Prime. I might have to convince him to put me under his membership. (I still use my parent’s biling address on some of my credit cards.)

  2. Carolyn says:

    Oooh thanks for the info! I used to have it and LOVED it, but have been missing it. Might have to go in on it with my sister!!!

  3. That would make it more worthwhile — thanks for the tip!

  4. L.A. Daze says:

    Hmmm…i’m on that one month trial and i’m wondering if I should renew it. I buy stuff from Amazon maybe 5 times a year? It would just be for myself though…so perhaps it’s not worth it.

  5. Sunflowers says:

    Bf shares his Amazon Prime membership with me – and I LOVE it. 🙂 Definitely worth it. I pretty much buy everything there, no need to go to Target. And there’s no tax!

  6. How do they define family? That’s interesting.

  7. Revanche says:

    @Cents in the City: He gets four guests, so it can’t hurt. 🙂

    @Carolyn: Good plan!

    @RainyDaySaver: You’re welcome!

    @L.A.Daze: I use Amazon regularly but not so often that it makes sense, I would only do it if you can split it with your brother or someone else.

    @Sunflowers: Awesome, isn’t it? And I have to say it’s a little better than Target because I can easily ignore all the stuff that I’d want from Target.

    @Dogfood Provider: I think it’s sibling, parent, unmarried partner, spouse .. I can’t remember the rest of the list. But I checked the site and this is the other information you need to add or be added:

    To add a member: Enter the person’s name, relationship, e-mail address and birthday in the appropriate fields and click “Invite.” An invitation e-mail message automatically will be sent to the e-mail address you entered. Note that invited members will need to know the month and day of your birthday to accept your invitation.

  8. My husband and I frequently shop from Amazon by using amazon prime so it is definetly worth in the long run.

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