By: Revanche

Foodie Friday

February 19, 2010

My sous chef wouldn’t allow me to display all of yesterday’s haul in its true glory (and stole one of the grapefruits).

Though I love farmer’s markets, I usually hate mornings.  The latter lends itself to instant gratification -it’s SO much easier to snuggle back under the covers after my frosty nose tests the air, generally, so I’m grateful to local produce markets that offer fresh selections at great prices when I emerge from my den, starving.

What came home with me?
2 huge bundles of spinach
2 slender bunches of asparagus
1 bundle of green onions
1 gorgeous head of broccoli
1 less gorgeous cauliflower
1 large bunch of green grapes (in the bowl)
3 grapefruits
4 Roma tomatoes
2 minneolas
6 bell peppers (trying to stand up in the back)

How much did it cost?

I’ll also use the spinach in salads, and in some Indian recipes I’m hoping to make with a native cook-friend next week.  The broccoli is wonderful steamed and maybe dotted with a little cheese — that was the first solid food I ate after my dental debacle two weeks ago!

P.S. the Chicken and Roasted Peppers turned out rather well ….

6 Responses to “Foodie Friday”

  1. Money Funk says:

    Ironic. I am learning to make Indian food with my friend next Friday. Hmmm… 😉

    Chicken looks great! Gonna try this one. Especially because I have a huge bottle of balsamic I need to use up.

  2. savings says:

    delish! I’ve been thinking of signing up for one of those CSA produce delivery things… but I doubt I’d be able to eat everything before it went bad :-/

  3. Lovely! And not a bad price at all for such a beautiful haul of fresh produce.

    Glad to hear you’re feeling up for firmer food these days!

  4. oooh I did a similar shop, your food is making me hungry!

  5. Ooooh can’t wait to hear what yer making!

  6. Revanche says:

    @MoneyFunk: Share recipes, please! 🙂

    I loved the chicken recipe, but I would suggest cutting the balsamic usage in half, or three quarters; we felt the full cup (even simmered down) was too sweet.

    @savings: Can you split a CSA? I’ve heard of people sharing shipments before.

    @Funny About Money: Thanks! This makes me sad whenever I don’t have access to produce-only shops. It’s like not having access to Asian veggies from an Asian store — the prices and quality are so much better but not always worth the trek out to find them.

    @notesfromthefrugaltrenches: As do yours! I thought of you as we were roaming the store, actually.

    @Rina: The chicken was fantastic! (see above) I even made crockpot lasagna but should have picked the regular pasta instead of the no-boil stuff.

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