By: Revanche

Life goes on …

March 20, 2010

Deep in the throes of moving and organizing preparations, I keep taking time out to do regular life things.

We had another impromptu sushi dinner last night post-finals. I desperately needed to get out and re-focus my eyeballs after 6 hours of exams. Robin to the rescue!

Speaking of Robin, his promotion came with strings attached; the kind that are designed to make you fail out of the gate because someone else has a pet project/agenda they’re determined to push at someone else’s expense.  Unbeknownst to that higher-up, Robin has been heavily recruited by another company for years and their offer was still good. He traded that promo-with-strings for a vastly improved commute, better hours and decent money. Kick rocks, senior management!

The renters insurance paperwork came in today and I’m scanning in all 50 pages of it. While I do that with one hand, the other is making calls to find out why the policy coverage summary is incomplete. I’m pretty sure that splitting my attention like this will cause me to drop the ball on *something* but I can’t just do nothing else while I want for the Epson to scan one page at a time. 

If I can navigate the shredder out from behind half a dozen packed boxes, I’m going to start shredding that junk mail; I’ve also just opted the entire family out of receiving prescreened credit card offers using OptOutPrescreen.cpm.

Oh, and I have to do something about those bees. I have no idea what, but there are a LOT of kids in this neighborhood and I would hate for one to go running through that pile of bees, squash some and get stung by all the rest.  If anyone’s allergic, that would be a disaster.  I don’t want to hurt them either, though, so kill options are not.  Not an option, that is.

Oh! And I have to hunt through the house for my boots. I had an old pair of boots and a helmet somewhere around here and they should really come with me.

And of course, keeping up with the blogging world!  Reading and  commenting, dashing off notes, etc.

Couple Money has a Netbook giveaway for their 6-month anniversary!

5 Responses to “Life goes on …”

  1. Abigail says:

    Phew! That made me tired just reading it!

    Try to take a breather now and again. I’m still excited for you. This move will be good for you!

  2. You need a nap! Sending you relaxing thoughts. And the bees…egads. Can you make an anonymous call??

  3. Shelley says:

    I’ve put a fold up carrier that was intended for knitting into the loo. In that carrier goes paper work I want or need to read but which doesn’t qualify as fun. I have a small post it that I use to mark my reading place. It isn’t like having devoted a significant attention span to things, but I do get through them with no feeling of sacrificing valuable time. Crazy, I know, but it works for me.

  4. Revanche says:

    @Abigail: Believe it or not, writing it out kept me on track. I may have quit without having ‘fessed up to everything I *should* do.

    @Rina: Alas, I’d have to give them an address to go to. But I’m waiting them out, the kids don’t seem to be around this week. Spring Break?

    @Shelley: It’s not a bad idea, really. People keep light reading in there, why other other kinds?

  5. Revanche says:

    @Shelley: Oops, I meant why NOT other kinds.

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