By: Revanche

I dub thee “Super Saturday!”

April 10, 2010

The sun’s not shining, but I woke up naturally without a struggle at seven this morning, and had an hour to accustom myself to the odd sensation of painless early rising.  That’s pretty fantastic.  I was really worried about adjusting to long workdays again because of my weird spates of fatigue. I make it through longer days but am pretty beat at night

Today’s my “sixth workday” – it’s time to do everything I didn’t manage to work on during the week.

1. Log at least 3 hours on the freelance gig.
2. Write ~ 4000 words. (of which, at least some should be to help out Funny About Money)
3. Transcribe notes from work and organize them so I’ll be ready to start a new week on Monday.
4. Take my new employee training courses, plus the one assigned to my staffer.

Accomplished this week! 

Counting today’s planned meals, I’ve very proud to say that I’ve only eaten out once this week.  It was a little rice curry and sashimi meal (just a few pieces) to celebrate surviving my first full week intact.

I’m working on the dinner menu for next week, starting with some salmon tonight and roasted chicken tomorrow (which becomes at least two meals, chicken stock and delicious chicken soup).  I’m avoiding red meats for now because they’re both expensive and less healthy, but am casting about for some good crockpot and ground turkey recipes.  Not necessarily in conjunction, but I’m ok with that.

Reading this week

My gleanings aren’t as robust as usual, but I’ve been lucky to squeeze in a post or two, reading on my commute.

The NY Times continues coverage on the Pope’s earlier dealings with abusive priests. This whole thing just infuriates me.  How can you look at such an egregious transgression and just say “let’s wait [years!] to conclude this decision”!?  If I were Catholic, the sense of betrayal would be overwhelming.

Mrs. Micah ‘fessed up to a pretty big mistake that’s totally understandable and I’m proud of how she rallied after realizing what’d happened.

She also shared this most hilarious site specifically for designers but totally applicable to anyone who has ever dealt with clients: Clients From Hell

Me in Millions wondered why you would throw down a frugality gauntlet. In this case, it was Life as a Purse‘s challenge to herself.

MoneyMateKate had a turbulent experience traveling without her credit card. I’m totally paranoid about carrying much cash so I couldn’t do it unless I’d already phased the cards out of my life.

Having a good weekend, all?

4 Responses to “I dub thee “Super Saturday!””

  1. I love those tulips! They just scream SPRING! 🙂

    This weekend, I am planning to accomplish mucho, as well. I’m gonna cook 3 dishes for the week, clean up my apartment, wash my sheets and hang them out in the sun to dry, and research specs on my new netbook! 🙂

  2. eemusings says:

    Second the tulip love! Gorgeous.

    Lucky you – chicken is a bit of a luxury here, white meat is super pricey!

  3. I love the tulips and thanks for including me in your roundup!

  4. Revanche says:

    @aspiringminimalist: There were SO MANY tulips in that display, I’m pleased the picture turned out so well.

    I didn’t actually finish everything I listed, but a respectable amount got done. And please share the specs on your netbook research!!

    @eemusings: It’s still what I’d consider pricey but we’re getting it less than $1/lb which is better than the organic fancy stuff that goes for $5-7/lb. *shudder* I just can’t afford that.

    @me in millions: You’re welcome!

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