By: Revanche

June 5th: Final day of the Challenge

June 5, 2010

*squeal*  I staked out the mailbox, trekking out no less than 4 times to see if it’d been delivered, because I was at 60% and that was, y’know, good and all but it’s not nearly an A in the game of Winning.  Besides, I’d busted my butt the first two weeks of May to complete an assignment two and a half weeks early to ensure just for this challenge and by golly if the last check didn’t squeak in under the wire!  

As of June 5th, I have banked $4742 for the $5K/5K Challenge.

It was no walk in the park. I gave up many weekend hours to work on projects big and small, every penny and minute counting toward this challenge. No small part of that was good timing and luck – though SingleMa took me by surprise with her decision to run a 5K in 5 weeks instead of in October, I’d been “training” in my own way by diligently scouring for opportunities to earn extra income and committing to projects.  That’s what made this kinda fun, and not just a horrible horrible idea.

Since I can’t really share what I did for my work, my toil was in silence except for the weekly updates, but I appreciate those of you who stuck through it and achieved your personal goals.

I haven’t yet decided where this money goes, so stay tuned for one last update on this tomorrow! 

Meanwhile ….. 

My Partner in Challenge, Single Ma rocked it out this morning:

Candace fulfilled her challenge:

The Fit Lounge went over and beyond her quota as well:

Congratulations to Single Ma, Candace and The Fit Lounge.  My quiet friends of the Challenge, how have you done?



4 Responses to “June 5th: Final day of the Challenge”

  1. Unfortunately, health problems prevented me from completing the challenge – my doctor has forbidden me running 🙁 Congrats to all of you who made it!

  2. mOOm says:

    Wow, congratulations!

  3. DD says:


    I signed up for the challenge. You can see my overall results here:

    As for the financial part, with the support of you & Single Ma, I was able surpass my monthly goal of $250 that I had set. Success! I hit this goal early in the month and Single Ma pushed me to increase it to $500. I managed to save $892.21.

  4. Revanche says:

    @The Lost Goat: I’m sorry to hear about the health problems!

    @mOOm: Thanks!

    @DD: Thanks and thanks for participating! Great job!

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