By: Revanche

A one year anniversary and a plane ticket

July 28, 2010

I’m barely mentally unpacked from San Diego Comic Con, and I’m looking up another itinerary to go back down to SoCal.  I haven’t been *home* since May but this is another quick round trip. Possibly even a same day trip.

In a couple months, we’ll be memorializing the passing of my dear friend’s beloved father. We lost him exactly midway between my birthday and his – we were four days apart and he always joked that I was four days older than him.  Growing up, I hated my birthdays because they were always strangely lonely, now I don’t know how to feel about it. 

Every year that passes and takes with it another loved one makes every memory and tradition that much more poignant.

I’m considering using my Southwest award tickets for this trip. Between the recent vacation spending, the purchase of tickets for next year’s vacation, the upcoming dental expenses for both my parents, it behooves me to stop bleeding cash. 

2 Responses to “A one year anniversary and a plane ticket”

  1. I’d use the Southwest tickets too. Good luck and I hope everything can just get stable for you for a while. 🙂

  2. Revanche says:

    @Crystal: I keep going back and forth on the decision but I’d better cut it out and pick up the tickets before they run out.

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