By: Revanche

Getting my YouKnowWhat together

July 31, 2010

Hello dog days!

I’m sitting here wondering if this feeling of paddling like hell to Keep Up is just a phase or if this is Life.  And I’m pretty sure it’s just Life. It’s just easy to forget the important things, sometimes, and sometimes they’re all crowding out everything else. 

UP: Had a great time reconnecting with family and friends during Comic Con.  Missed the opportunity to meet up with fellow SD bloggers because we were so busy. Next year, I’m going to take a bit more time off so it’s a little more relaxed. I think I stayed within budget, roughly.

DOWN: For the past weeks, we’ve been worrying for our dear friends’ baby who has a very serious diagnosis.  It was touch and go whether the baby could breathe without assistance and every single “normal” step of taking care of a baby is slow, painful and requires expert medical aid.

UP: Though stressful & at the last minute, I finally got my paperwork out to roll over some last remaining retirement dollars from a previous employer into a new account at Vanguard. It’s a bit of a pain – the amount is just a bit less than $3000, and they were giving me guff about rolling over into a previously employer-sponsored plan so maybe I’ll roll the now-three employer sponsored plans into a single IRA.

DOWN: We launched a major change at work this week and while it went much more smoothly than expected, it still bred a TON of extra work.  Thusly, I won’t have time to do my monthly snapshot for today. And I’ll be working all weekend, I think.

UP: I decided that I wanted the free match at work, FWIW and got the paperwork in. Also added a DD peeling off a few hundred dollars into savings, anticipating stabilization of my spending. Or forcing a stabilization of spending.

There’s more but I gotta git!  I wish you all a very lovely Saturday and let’s catch up!

4 Responses to “Getting my YouKnowWhat together”

  1. Jimmy says:

    Hey I love your blog and the way you write is very easy to read. I’m wondering what you do to market your blog if you do anything? And the whole keeping up thing…I think it’s just life; at least for most people.

  2. Bucksome says:

    Yes, please plan to stay longer in San Diego next year. I’d love to meet you!

  3. Revanche says:

    @Jimmy: Why thank you! I hate to admit this since it sounds so lazy, but I really don’t market the blog at all. That’s why I’ve been around for years with a fairly small audience compared to the big bloggers.

    @Bucksome: And next year, I may bring blogger friends 😉

  4. Girl, your life is stressful. Hugs from Houston and please pass on my best wishes to your friends and their baby.

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